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Eileen Gray?  

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Trusted Member
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26/03/2008 1:52 am  

How can I tell if my Eileen Gray table is a newer remake or an original.

Illustrious Member
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26/03/2008 2:17 am  

Looks like mine
and mine was lovingly made in Chinese by cheap labor.
I have no idea how to determine the 'original' - I doubt it was imported into the U.S. during that original production period.

Illustrious Member
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26/03/2008 3:14 am  

That table is in the publi...
That table is in the public domain
there are millions made so i doubt that one made
by the best of companies would be any different than
a Chinese knockoff on the Eileen Gray table
I think Thonet made the originals

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26/03/2008 3:31 am  

Barry does....
Barry does....your table have the little knob at the top of the piece of rod that comes through the glass.

Illustrious Member
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26/03/2008 3:48 am  

no knob. The cross piece is smooth.

Trusted Member
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26/03/2008 5:46 am  

Is it real?
When I was redecorating my home several years ago I also purchased and Eileen Gray E 1027 table. Being a child of the '50s I grew up with & loved modern design but was not really familiar with many of the designers. Moving to Connecticut (land of very traditional designs) I had one heck of a time finding any store that could fill my needs until I went over the border several years ago to The Modern (Yellow) Furniture Barn in Armonk, NY (they have since closed after many years in business and I have never recovered). A lovely young sales girl/design consultant was great at helping us. We purchased lots of wonderful designs and need a small table to finish the look. She suggested the beautiful little Eileen Gray E 1027 table. I just fell in love with the design and was sold. How could something from the 1920's be so beautiful and timeless? I educated myself quite a bit in furniture design and had never realized how many beautiful pieces of furniture were made so long ago and still looks like it was created yesterday!
After purchasing the table I started checking around and found that there was quite a discrepency in price, from a high of about $100 to quite a bit more. I paid a lot for mine and was concerned about it's authenticity. I had been purchasing items of quality and was hoping to pass them down to my children to enjoy (and last as opposed to Target Store stuff, whom BTW, also sells our dear Eileen Gray table). When my table was delivered there were absolutely not marking or serail number on it. I called the salesgirl & she informed me that it was made in Europe (I can't remember where) by the same company and specifications of the original table and that none of them are marked. I was skeptical, thanked her and left it at that. I love my table, it appears to be of high quality, and won't give it up. ~L
[A bunch of years ago I was a huge fan of buying knock-offs (bags, wallets, scarfs, etc)& had a ball shopping at the great NYC Flea markets. You could buy for cheap, look great, they would last a year and then you were on to the next best thing. I became turned off at the whole knock off thing when $1- $10 fun buys started to sell for not much less then the real deal.]

Trusted Member
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26/03/2008 6:00 am  

Thanks ~L. I too can not find any markings but does have some small rust pits not noticeable(hints it might be a little older) and I purchased from an estate filled w/ MCM furniture.

Illustrious Member
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26/03/2008 8:39 am  

fondly remember the Modern Furniture Barn. I must have made my parents take me when I was in high school. . .

Honorable Member
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26/03/2008 2:35 pm  

As far as I know these are the only compnies who have the right to produce the Eileen Gray designs.
Aram produces/re-edits your table.;

Honorable Member
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26/03/2008 2:36 pm  


Honorable Member
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26/03/2008 2:37 pm  

and aram
and here's ARAM

Reputable Member
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28/03/2008 6:47 pm  

I've got the little knob at...
I've got the little knob at the end, and it looks like Aram's piece does as well.
I have seen an alternative version where the middle horizontal piece (where the chain attaches too) is shaped differently: while mine is like a rectangle where the top and bottom edges are parallel, some versions have these 2 edges arc'd slightly inwards, so it appears sort of like an hourglass on its side. Hard to explain, hope this makes sense!

Eminent Member
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29/03/2008 3:18 am  

What is original?
"ARAM holds the worldwide head license for Eileen Gray designs, and is the only UK source for the authentic products."
It the design is a public domain know - what does it mean "licence for EH designs"? Who gave / sold that licence and why the same design made with the quality material would be "imitation" and Aram's piece "original"?
I have this table, exactely the same as on the Aram's photo. Mine is 10 years old, it still looks perfectly, it was made by en italian factory.

Honorable Member
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29/03/2008 8:35 pm  

the Aram website says :
"One of Eileen Gray's last tasks in the early 1970s was to work with Zeev Aram on the introduction of her designs onto the world market. In 1973 Eileen Gray granted the worldwide rights to manufacture and distribute her designs to Aram Designs Ltd, London. "
This was confirmed in a documentary/interview I saw some time ago about/with Eileen Gray.
This means she worked together with Aram to reproduce her designs to her requirements.

Eminent Member
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29/03/2008 8:45 pm  

It's ok, but...
It's ok, her arangement. But.... the desing of this small table is already in the public domain. So anyone producing the good quality product can create it as good as Aram. They are just the prefered producer, by the designer.

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