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Economical crisis?

Economical crisis?  

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Noble Member
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01/04/2011 9:23 pm  


Trusted Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 43
01/04/2011 9:24 pm  

Come on, guys!
Come on guys, this thread was just to share my feelings with you that the economical situation in the world right now is changing!? Inflation is there so the guys and girls with big piggy banks wants to do something with the money. You can buy golden bars and hide them in the garage like Jesgord -:)) but why not spending it on beautiful furniture. I really think that the stuff you all own is going to be more and more valuable. Read my lips, until there comes a time that the next generation will valuable other pieces. Newer or older, you never know! My father told me about a certain type of clock that was extremely valuable in the 80-ties. Now people are throwing them out because they cannot sell them anymore.

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