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Eames rope edge she...

Eames rope edge shell chairs  


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13/03/2007 11:53 pm  

Hi, I'm wonderinf if anyone has any information about a pair of light yellow rope edge shell chairs with arms. They both have labels but not the expected checkerboard Zenith labels. Instead, they have the label that has the herman miller logo on the left with a white background and the "designed by Charles Eames on the right with a black background. It's exactly the same as the checkerboard label except it only the top two quadrants. I've never seen these chairs without a Zenith label before. Any info? Thanks!!

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14/03/2007 1:35 am  

i'll have two of them and was wondering too, why the zenith-lable is missing.

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14/03/2007 2:00 am  

Yes, that's exactly like...
Yes, that's exactly like mine! I'm very curious to know why. I have been searching and searching online but all early chairs have the Zenith label.
Anyone who can help us out?

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2007 2:10 am  

This label seems to be found...
This label seems to be found only on Zenith production chairs when they still used the 'rope edge'. I don't think I have ever seen it on any 2nd generation Zenith shells without the rope.
I would guess that it was used towards the end of the 'rope edge' production and before the last generation of Zenith produced chairs. The last generation was without the 'rope edge' and sometimes with the red 'Venice California' label, but often without labels or any markings at all.
I have also seen the same label used on an early LTR table.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2007 4:58 am  

rope edge
That is on the mark!!! these chairs were made at the end of the Zenith production . when Herman Miller took over distributing the eames bucket chairs . Those were the first labels that they came up with, once the supply was used up they changed the chairs (no more rope edges
and labels. If you have those chairs they are by far the most valuable as they truly were the first chairs
made by Herman Miller and not Zenith. and would be just as valuable to a collector.

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14/03/2007 5:15 am  

Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!

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14/03/2007 7:17 am  

One more question
I'm new to this forum so excuse me if this is totally inappropriate...Does LRF or anyone have any idea what the value of the chairs might be, given that they are so rare?
Thanks for all your help!

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2007 3:00 pm  

Just to clarify...
Just to clarify...
The checkerboard label was the first label used for the chair, that I'm aware of. This mentions both Zenith Plastics, Herman Miller and Charles Eames. The chair was produced by Zenith Plastics and distributed by HM.
The 1/2 checker label (the one you have) was the second one. The chair was still produced by Zenith plastics. The only difference, I think, is that Zenith was now producing it for HM (rather than HM only having the distribution rights for it) and that would be the reason they are not anymore mentioned on the label. (I wanted to clarify this since LRF claims that these chairs are the first HM chairs and not made by Zenith, which is wrong in my opinion)
The next generation was without the rope edge, but still produced by Zenith plastics. It sometimes had a small red label saying 'Herman Miller, Venice California' or something like that. It is also common that there is no label at all. I have also seen examples with an embossed 'z' (for Zenith) in the fiberglass.
Around 1952 the production was moved from Zenith to other manufacturers that I have less info about. The easiest way to tell that a chair is of Zenith production is that the plastic shockmounts are wider than on the chairs made after 1952-53.
The value of your chair depends a lot on what base it is on X-base (standard, dining or lounge height), Low Rod, Rocker or Eiffel.
A typical rope edge Zenith on X-base usually goes for between 400-600 USD. A rocker is more... The prices seem to go up and down. While three years ago, you could get a good example for 300 USD, you now have to pay at least 450 and most of the time even more. I would be careful paying to much for the chairs, since they are so much in fashion right now I doubt the prices will hold over time. Still, the best examples will only increase in value.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2007 3:02 pm  

I should say a rocker is...
I should say a rocker is MUCH more... They used to be about 1200-1500 USD only a year ago, but now they seem to go for 1700-2200 USD...

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2007 5:46 am  

rope edge
I stand corrected Alexander forum is right about Zenith . They kept making the chair for a very short time after Miller became involved in the process as Miller was gearing up for the distribution of the chair, never the less the chair with the HM/Eames label were the first for HM with this chair. and Zenith was totaly fased out that part I know is correct.

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15/03/2007 7:41 am  

Thank you both for your knowledge! I was totally confused before, but between my own research (which still didn't give me answers) and your expertise, the puzzle seems to fit together and make sense.
As an aside, I am new to this forum, but already LOVE it! Thanks to folks like you. 🙂

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16/03/2007 4:47 am  

I have an elephant grey Zenith labeled -rope edge chair but with a twist... the water transfer label, though very similar to your photo( same vernacular), is of FOUR squares - like a checkerboard section with the white squares on one diagonal and red and black squares on the other diagonal. Same typeface and info: " Zenith, Eames, etc is on them - but with this unique configuration.
what can someone tell me about the date of manufacture and where this chair falls into the production schedule?

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16/03/2007 5:02 am  

Oops - Johnny Walker strikes again!
I missed the original thread re: the "checker board" label.
I would still, however, like to know what the likely range of manufacture dates was.
( Vivienne you are in good company! - I hope you are well love. )


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