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Eames for Vitra vs ...

Eames for Vitra vs Eames for Herman Miller question  

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Honorable Member
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25/11/2008 7:19 pm  

just out of curiousity, how do eames for herman miller chairs compare to those by vitra (price, quality, etc) and are there any differences in a chair like the 670 (it looks like the 670 has a polished aluminum base)? thanks in advance

Illustrious Member
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25/11/2008 7:55 pm  

Differences between the chairs are minor but distinct. The Vitra version has a different base - one more reminiscent of the Aluminum Contract base. I believe there are some differences in the way the cushions clip on to the shells, and I know that in the Vitra chairs the shells are more flattened and slightly more squared off than the Herman Miller versions.
As to price, Vitra pushes the Eames as much more of a high-end luxury item in Europe. The 670 in the US retails for $3600-$4500 USD. It retails in Europe for about 7000 euro or about $10,000 USD.
I haven't seen any new production Vitra models recently so I'm not exactly sure how the quality of the leather compares.

Illustrious Member
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26/11/2008 2:48 pm  

Vitra's 670 base is meh....
Vitra's 670 base is meh. Vitra eiffel base is crap. Other than that, Vitra does Herman Miller better than Herman Miller does Herman Miller. And you pay for it.
Oh, and I don't even acknowledge today's shell chairs as they're not produced in fiberglass.

peter osullivan
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26/11/2008 3:15 pm  

Haven?t got any 1st hand...
Haven?t got any 1st hand experience of chairs (although I prefer the shape of the Vitra Lounge chair base myself) however I have a Vitra ESU side by side with a Herman Miller ESU at home pretty much every element is different,
The Vitra is definitely a nicer made and finished piece however I'm guessing that the Herman miller is more faithful to the original design

Illustrious Member
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26/11/2008 5:27 pm  

This is interesting
because I thought Herman Miller - as original worldwide rights-holder of the Eames and Nelson production pieces - had struck a deal with Vitra quite awhile ago for them to handle the European and Asian markets and that they had to adhere to Eames and Nelson designs and production values.
I know that Vitra makes some of the stuff that Herman Miller sells in the US, owing to a joint production agreement, but it's a bit weird for vitra to strike out and change the original designs and manufacture techniques.
I was in a Design Within Reach showroom the other day looking at the current lot of Eames plastic chairs and besides the fact that do not like the non-fiberglass plastic look, it's clear that the shells and bases are of the same basic quality as the originals. Herman Miller does understand quality.
It seems to me that Herman Miller has kept the quality up on pieces that had to be altered for purposes of the environment (the new plastic shells are quality; it's just the look that's wrong - in my opinion - and they obviously no longer use duck down or latex foam for their upholstery.
I think that some four leg wheel bases are now five leg bases, due to the general opinion that 5 legs are more stable than the original 4 (I could be wrong on this).
All of my Herman Miller pieces are vintage except a pair of 72" Nelson benchs and a square Eames table, which i bought new.
How does new Knoll compare with old Knoll?

Illustrious Member
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26/11/2008 9:41 pm  

good discussion about the fibreglass chairs versus the poly chairs below:
As to the differences in quality - a friend has an old Vitra lounge and it looks pretty much the same as the old Herman Miller chairs I've seen. I can't account for the new versions. I personally think the Vitra base is much more finished and polished than the Herman Miller, but function wise I dont see much difference.

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07/01/2009 4:39 pm  

Vitra superior to Herman Miller?
Can anyone else confirm that the Vitra execution of the Eames Lounge Chair is superior in quality to the Herman Miller product?
I am based in Europe, but was actually considering buying from HM in the US and shipping it home, as Vitra pretty much charges double the HM price at current exchange rates.
Now, if there is a noticeable difference in quality, or if the Vitra version is somehow closer to the original design, I just might change my mind...

Illustrious Member
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07/01/2009 11:14 pm  

Herman Miller
Herman Miller produced the original version of the chair - so the designs - including the base, are going to be more original on the HM version.
However, the Eames worked directly with Vitra in developing the chair for the European market. One has to assume that the choices made were a reflection of the different cultural atmosphere. Other small differences include a shallowing of the backrest of the plastic chairs.
I have not had enough experience with the quality - i've heard Vitra uses a higher grade of leather.

Illustrious Member
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08/01/2009 6:42 am  

As I said above, the the...
As I said above, Vitra's 670/671 base differs from the original design. Five star as opposed to the original four. One of the few designs I'd rather purchase from Herman Miller ignoring price/transit.

Illustrious Member
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08/01/2009 11:26 pm  

The 670 has always had a 5 star base, and the 671 has always had a 4 star base. The Contract base was developed in 1957/8, about the same time Vitra was getting rights to distribute.
If anything, Herman Miller has changed the Alu group chairs from 4 star to 5 in the US (mostly due to OSHA safety regulations).

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09/01/2009 1:44 pm  

Are you saying it was Eames who decided to go with a different base for the European market? I couldn't find any reference to that decision anywhere.
I don't know if you have seen the book "An Icon of Modern Design", about the Lounge Chair, but it does not feature any pictures of the European version, and hardly mentions Vitra at all.
Other aspects of the design have evolved even with the HM version (no more down-filled cushions, different type of leather), but to introduce a whole new shape for the base is quite a drastic change.
I am a bit torn, actually, because I first fell in love with the European version of the chair as a kid (my uncle had two in his TV lounge) before I even knew who the Eameses were. They were made by Mobilier International, but with the same base as the Vitras. However, after having looked into it a lot more over the years, I do prefer the original design.

Illustrious Member
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09/01/2009 7:14 pm  

Right, Lucifer...
I should've been more clear. The Vitra 670 base is actually the group style.

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10/01/2009 7:42 pm  

Eames Chair -original or reproduction
As a buyer for an International Hotel chain I read the comments about Eames Vitra and Eames Herbert Miller with some interest, as my office recently received a requisition to purchase 50 Eames Chairs and Stools for the hotel groups new acquisition in Germany.The German acquisition is an upmarket hotel chain of 5 hotels in Cologne and Bonn.In the past we have purchased Le Corbusier reproduction Sofas and Le Corbusier Corner Sofas for our London Hotel in Kings Cross from Retro Europe. This purchase was successful and we are pleased with the quality and wear ability.We looked at the market and found that Vitra and Miller chairs were on average £4000 per unit. We looked at the chairs and to be fair they are good quality albeit very expensive.The second problem we had was that an order for 50 would take 8 weeks and they were needed in 2 weeks in Germany.We decided to go back to Retro Europe and to consider a reproduction. We were very impressed with the quality, albeit they are not originals, there were no differences.The deal clincher was that we could have 50 Eames Chairs and Stools delivered to Germany direct to the respective 5 hotels in 3 days at £600 per unit. The order was placed and true to the contract Retro Europe delivered 50 Eames Chairs as promised within 3 days.6 months on we have had perfect feedback from our Managers.The chairs are showing no adverse wear and are certainly being enjoyed by our guests.We have subsequently purchased more modern designer furniture from Retro Europe from their American Diner range for another one of our hotels for their American Diner Themed Restaurant.True authenticity comes at a high price today, and like most of our competitors the hotel business is having to work even harder in these uncertain financial time, where it is often easier to save a £ on wise purchasing than it is to earn a pound.

Illustrious Member
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10/01/2009 10:48 pm  

Yes, the Eames were involved
During their lifetimes the Eames were continuously involved in their products - including in Europe. I would surmise the reason you don't see much mention of Vitra in the Lounge book is because the book was produced for an American audience in collaboration with Herman Miller and an American museum.
Yes, slight changes have been made over time - almost all of them within the lifetime of the Eames (with the notable exception being in 1990 when the woods switched from Rosewood to Walnut/Cherry. Since then Rosewood has been reinstated.)
Different markets are, well, different. Even car manufacturers restrict sales of certain models to certain regions. One theory for the different base might be to keep them distinct as products. It is illegal for an American company to sell a HM lounge to Europe - perhaps the base difference was a way of ensuring that uniqueness.
Personally I prefer the Vitra base - I find it very elegant (and would match the new Alu group chair). Tell you what Fabul - you get the Vitra version and I'll swap bases with you 🙂

Eminent Member
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20/01/2009 1:16 am  

Vitra and HM differences
Speaking of the base, the Vitra 670/671 chair base and back/headrest rest bars also has a color option not available with the HM version. With Vitra, you can get the base/back rest bars as black sides/metalic top, or in an all metallic color. Personally I feel the second option does not look so good.
The leather used with the Vitra version is aniline leather. I am not sure if this is also true of HM leather and the Edelman range they offer.
My personal opinion is that with the HM version (recent productions) the chair cushions feel over-stuffed, especially when compared to the early HM down filled version, and the current Vitra edition.

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