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Eames chronology? I...

Eames chronology? I know its been beaten to death but.....  


Estimable Member
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Posts: 87
06/06/2008 9:16 pm  

is there any site that somewhat lists a timeline of the shell chairs? like labels and shockmounts and bases etc. like what order was what? i know its been talked about a lot on here but was just wondering if there was anywhere it was all in one place?

Illustrious Member
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06/06/2008 9:52 pm  

I do not know of any such...
I do not know of any such research all in one place.
Many here have an extensive knowledge and some sellers
and collectors seem to have the history.
(I found this out last year trying to figure out my shell)
A good project for someone?

Illustrious Member
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07/06/2008 1:36 am might... might have it, but I don't know just how extensive they are. Also, the Eames Design book has a nice little fold out poster with their projects in order by year. I cannot remember how much in detail they would go with little production changes however. The book is a wonderful tool however. You can get it on ebay now fro about 60 bucks. When I bought it it was $115! They do go into manufacturing techniques and such within, but it's been a while since I have read it.

Illustrious Member
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08/06/2008 10:00 pm  

At present
At present I've done a lot of research on this issue but have still fallen short. The closest thing so far is a little book called Modern/Classic printed by Neenah Papers. You can get it for free at their website. But even that has tons of holes - zero information about colors/dates, zero info about secondary maker's marks.
I'm compiling stuff but I'm still very far from being done. As soon as I feel confident I'll post the info somewhere.

claus (DE)
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09/06/2008 2:49 am  

i found some pics of the book at AIGA design show-website (looks fine!), but could not find the download at Neenah. Do you have a link?

azurechicken (USA)
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09/06/2008 6:09 am  

This reminds me of philatelics I have known...nothing wrong with it, but, I know the chairs were produced legally by more than one company and more overlap occured...not absolute chronology.That book is great whitespike and I paid the hard price as well...

Illustrious Member
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09/06/2008 11:13 pm  

Modern Classic
I couldnt find the link on their website but the PDF has a contact number and email listed.
Azure - I know its a little OCD, but as the chairs become more and more collectible it would be good to have a reference source to clear up a lot of the confusion. Zipping through ebay provides a lot of laughs when someone posts a cigarette burned brown upholstered side shell and demands $300 for it 🙂
Eames Design is an invaluable reference for chronology of projects as well as the staff members who worked on them, and some wonderful photographs. ModernClassic does a little bit better job of pinpointing the variations on bases, upholsteries, and some styling issues. I'd like to go further and chronicle when certain colors were issued, when various changes took place, and which makers made which shells. However, take 45 years of production, 30 colors, over two dozen bases & pedestals, and hundreds of fabrics and you've got a gigantic project!
(go to the bottom of the PDF for contact info)

Illustrious Member
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09/06/2008 11:20 pm  

Beaten to the punch again!
Apparently the Eames Office had the same idea as I did.

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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10/06/2008 2:13 am  

Great heads up... on book to be, may I submit other designers...:)


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