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Eames chair help  


LouLou (UK)
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05/11/2008 1:31 pm  

Hi there,
I have been a fan of the Eames lounge chair for years - it is a fabulous looking thing! - and am coming to the realisation that I will never be able to afford an original. I have trawled the net and found a company called Interior Icons who sell them at what seems like a very reasonable price - their website is They have a testimonials page where there are a lot of nice things said about them - but I was looking for a more impartial review - has anyone here used them before and what was the quality of their furniture like?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.

Joe Lau
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05/11/2008 2:51 pm  

there is xxxxxxxx ' ebay page.
Regarding this seller I have found something from local ebay.but I cannot find eames lounge chair at his page.
Currently I have not bought from him before but his displayed barcelona chair seems okay.
Maybe you can contact him to get more close up pictures.
Hoping this will help.
(edited by Design Addict - no advertising on the forum, mostly for unlicensed reproductions)

Illustrious Member
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05/11/2008 7:46 pm  

If this is
If this is a real question and not just a website shill:
If you have that attitude you will never be able to afford an authentic one. However, if you REALLY want one you'll find a way to get one. You'll check Craigslist 3x a day, you'll scour eBay, you'll make friends with the folks at the DWR Outlet Store, you'll learn exactly what it costs to repair a broken one should that be a necessity.
Then, when an Eames Lounge comes along - you'll be prepared to buy it. If you really want one.

Estimable Member
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05/11/2008 9:32 pm  

I agree, if you really want one you'll find it. You can find a nice used authentic one for not that much. Some people like nice cars... some like vacations.. some like eating out a lot... some like Eames lounge chairs, it just depends where your priorities are.
I find a lot of vintage fakes too. And I get a ton of emails about "authentic" Eames lounge chairs. Everyone is looking for a real one and doesn't want to pay for it... I say, splurge a little! Competition for them are fierce and the likely hood of you finding a real one for super cheap is unlikely... so just start saving up a little!
As for buying a new fake... I definitely wouldn't do that. They are all crap replicas and don't hold their value...

Illustrious Member
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05/11/2008 9:54 pm  

I thought I would never own...
I thought I would never own one, but I was determined. I figured I would be at retiring age first, but ended up getting one when I was just 24!
The way I did it was a trade. Keep your eyes open for anything of value. I had a great find (an Eames sofa) that wasn't as important to me. I just traded it to someone for a lounge + ottoman. Even if it isn't one item, you can turn several decent finds into one nice thing you wouldn't be able to afford normally.
Where there's a will there's a way!

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2008 12:16 am  

It does feel a little wierd to be under 30 and sitting in a real Eames lounge 🙂 I'm not complaining tho!

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2008 12:59 am  

One thing that led me to get...
One thing that led me to get that one is that it's covered in leather. I figured if I was going to get a chair worth that much, I would never replace it so I should get something that ages gracefully. Upholstery gets cruddy, leather gets character.

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06/11/2008 1:44 am  

Don't give up...
Also check out estate sales and garage sales. Go to any spring cleaning sales, especially if there is a relatively rich part of your town. Also, with checking on eBay or Craig's list, if you see one broken because of shockmount failure, but the wood seems to be intact, consider bidding on one of those as well. Sometimes you can get just the ottoman or just the chair as well. I've seen the ottoman on its own go for short change.
I live on Martha's Vineyard and got mine from an elderly lady I did some work for... for $160.00 (that's what she owed me for working on a couple of her other ones). Some of the cushions are in bad shape (but can be refurbished for about 400 by a local upholsterer); but the wood is in pretty good shape. The shockmounts are gone, of course, but I've gotten replacements for them already.
I don't know about the copies, myself. It seems that some of them sought to remedy some glaring problems with some of the chairs (ie: the shockmounts) in the replication process. So they might be very good. I'd stay away from anything with vinyl or fake leather. It depends on what you want the chair for. If you just want it to enjoy using it as a comfy seat, I'd first suggest you try to find someone who has an original as well as someone who has a copy (or go to a furniture store), try them out and compare. If you don't notice much difference, I'd go for the copy.
If you want it for an investment, wait to find a real HM one. Or if you just want to touch the actual design of Charles Eames, you'll have to hold out for a real one. I didn't want mine for an investment. I have no plans to part with it. I just loved Eames' design and felt I needed the real thing in order to be absolutely satisfied. So that's what I got. It worked out really well! I almost bought a copy myself, but was really glad I didn't in the end. Hope this helps. All the best!
Chris C.

Fungus Mungus (USA)
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07/11/2008 12:51 am  

Be vigilant
I saw a real one on CL for $500 on election day. I was 30 minutes late in calling...someone was on their way to pick it up. Drat.
They're out there. I bought two rosewood chairs/ottomans from CL within 3 months of each other: one that had a poor reupholstery job ($1400), and another one with great cushions that had a poorly-executed shock-mount repair ($500).
I swapped the cushions and sold the repaired chair w/non-original upholstery for $1850 making my existing chair's net cost $50.
Be vigilant.

Illustrious Member
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07/11/2008 1:15 am  

I need one in my life...
And I shall have one. Reason is the only combatant at the moment. But to the original poster, knockoffs are always ALWAYS counterproductive. No matter the look, you know what it is.

Sound & Design
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07/11/2008 1:48 am  

Word about craigslist, estate...
Word about craigslist, estate sales, ebay, local auctions etc.... In these market for deals are changing extremely fast as prices inch up. Fewer quality pieces are showing up and longer in betweens. There are even more people scouring every nook they can. In just under a year I've seen dramatic shifts in my area and at large.
My advice is to be an informed shopper. Know the histoy of whatever piece it is you desire. Understand the production outputs. Study various market prices. An informed shopper will always get a deal.

Illustrious Member
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07/11/2008 7:15 am  

And vigilance
Seriously - If you want a deal you need to look ALL the time. I once discovered a posting at 11pm on a Saturday night. It popped up simultaneously as I was posting my own used couch. I emailed immediately, got talking with the seller, and she informed me that TWENTY other people had emailed her in the meantime and I needed to come get the chair that night. I did. Now I've got an Evans production DCW. And two weeks later the same woman called me directly because she had found a cache of other Eames pieces and didnt want the hassle of posting them on craigslist.

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11/11/2008 1:43 am  

eBay number 370107276321
There is one on eBay right now with three hours remaining that is only at 611. I know it could go up quickly, but you should check it out and watch it. It is only the chair without the ottoman, but I've seen the ottoman go for short change on here as well... Good luck.
Chris C.


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