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Eames Wire Chair?

Eames Wire Chair?  

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Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 7:52 am  

Dearest phonegirl,
Welcome to the family.
Drinks are on me.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:04 am  

you mean
... you have never snorted rust? I know you have.
I have snorted plenty of scuzzy substances when I used to clean up and paint crappy apartment units for real estate agents.
Its fine, I knew you were just trying to help out. But be careful with the generalizations though LOL. Not all women wear white! And I know one who makes sculpture out of steel wool. Damn good sculpture too.
And here is a shocker. I have cracks in some of my wire chairs. And they WILL be left UNATTENDED!!!!!
Death and decay is part of nature.
You know, I did say that I enjoyed seeing when a design did NOT age gracefully too. Sure, its more fun when it ages well, but its pretty fun when it ages poorly too. But thats just me.
I know I am not evey person or buyer. But I do believe that most of the times I have ever fixed up anything, I was sorry a few years later. That is just me though.
I even tore off a nicely refinished top on an early Eames LTR once, just to see the real deal underneath. I kid you not. Research you know. I still own that piece. Planning my next move... LOL
I do believe that there is a learning curve with antiques. And that the world boom in mid century will spawn a whole other stage of awareness of the importance and rarity of the old stuff. There is a role for usefulness and practicality, but with time and experience, there is also a larger and larger group of serious collectors who will see the beauty in leaving things alone.
I do know that an eames shell that has been recoated and had shock mounts replaced is not nearly as desirable as one in decent condition untouched. They do not bring the same money either.
But my intention was just to say OKAY. Peace, and no harm intended. Really.
There is room for different takes on things. Everybody but you and me seems to get this. LOL

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02/09/2013 8:06 am  

thanks Aunt Mark 🙂
Don't worry, next time, I'll post something about an obscure piece of Danish studio pottery 😉
Jokes aside, I do appreciate everyone's passion. Regardless of point of view, there's an educated crew here and somewhere inside all these posts is the answer that's right for me.
Ultimately, as someone pointed out, these chairs aren't rare. I can either flip them, and avoid what looks like a big project to me OR I can find some great vintage covers and enjoy them - they'll look great AND, if I can find a good place to use them, that's likely what I'll do.
I've been blogging about my finds for 8 months now, and often feel alone in my quest for answers and information. I'm excited to be a part of this community.

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02/09/2013 8:09 am  

and for the record...
i don't wear white. ever 😉
you know what? the conversation has been helpful and may have moved me on my position on the chairs.
all good.

Prominent Member
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02/09/2013 8:11 am  

appreciate your point of view.
believe it or not, the whole dialogue has been helpful to engage in although, I must admit that I pretty much sat back and let you guys take the reins.

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:18 am  

okay phonegirl...
do a pottery post next time, and I will be clueless AND speechless.
And I will go to the haiku thread to vent my frustration over being so narrow.
I do have a few things, now that I mention it though... naaaaaahhh!

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:23 am  

I for one have never let lack of knowledge stop me from blathering away. So you don't have to either. Always feel free to go out on a limb. We will be happy to saw it off for you! Just for fun.

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:25 am  

My dear EamesHead,
Never be speechless...I'd just die. Same message to you one groovy gig.
Haiku smokes.
Always, (evil is in the womb)
Aunt Mark

Noble Member
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02/09/2013 8:26 am  

What I have learned from this post is that OGD's ignorance appears to be limitless.. as his rather imbecilic assessment of women illustrated...
"I don't know what kind of girls you hang out with, but most of them I know don't like rust. They look nice. They wear nice clothes. Their friends dress nice. They love white. They're not seeing the rust. Just the prettiness of the chairs. Until it gets all over a nice white dress or something, then they're pissed. '

Prominent Member
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02/09/2013 8:26 am  

look forward to letting you know where I landed with the chairs. Will be searching for covers!
damn! I just *know* that "other" Eames chair is going to be rusty 😉

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02/09/2013 8:27 am  

got it
and agree completely!

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02/09/2013 8:28 am  

hey, they can dream, can't they?
nice to meet you, Solange 🙂

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:34 am  

white pants stained by rust
Eames chair can be forgiven
evil in the womb.
edited to correct spelling of my precious haiku. I'm buzzed.

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:42 am  

Thanks Mark,
And a final haiku for you and Onegroovydude...
Evil in the chair
Rust never had it so good
NOXON in the womb
well, its been a long day.

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 8:45 am  

oh my make me choke.
too funny,
Aunt Mark

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