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Eames Shell chair p...

Eames Shell chair problem...  


schef MCM
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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 74
11/08/2010 5:32 am  

I bought an eames fiberglass shell chair today for 30 bucks! it has a swivel base and looks similar to the one in the pic but its not covered in vinyl, or leatherette.

anyway my problem is that i just ordered a rocker base reproduction to go on it, and when i went to take off the eames authentic base it wouldnt come off after i took the screws out, almost like the past 47 years its been around has gotten it to stick like glue to the chair or something.

anyone have a similar problem?
... i need to get it off.

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Posts: 71
11/08/2010 5:34 am  

Pull harder?
At worst...
Pull harder?
At worst you'll damage the shock mounts, which after 47 years, might need to be replaced anyway.

schef MCM
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Posts: 74
11/08/2010 5:35 am  

Seems like the only ...
yea I pulled pretty hard and the chair cant take too much, i dont want to crack the fiberglass on it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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11/08/2010 8:30 am  

The mounts or epoxy will give way...
Before the fiberglass will crack. That is, unless the fiberglass is already damaged.

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11/08/2010 10:08 am  

Be patient.
The shock mounts on most old chairs will harden and become brittle, if you are too violent they will chip or crack. First decide if the mounts need to be replaced, if they do then you can follow the tutorial on on removing them.
But if you think the mounts are fine: Give the metal legs a few good knocks using a mallet. Be careful not to hit the legs right where they attach to the mounts, but a few inches away and perhaps the vibrations will help loosen the base. You can also try applying pressure to the seat of the chair using your palms and gently shifting your weight side to side until the base frees itself. These tricks have worked for several of my shells just the other day. You might also try spraying them with a bit of WD-40 and leaving them overnight then trying the same in the morning. As a last resort take a metal putty knife/scraper and attempt to separate the shocks and base.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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11/08/2010 11:42 am  

One of my favorite
homemade tools is a flexible putty knife sharpened like a chisel. . .

schef MCM
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Posts: 74
12/08/2010 2:18 am  

to Dbravia
thankyou it worked!
came off easy after a few hits, i put a piece of wood under it and stepped on it while lightly hitting the base with the mallet and it came off after 5 hits or so.
thanks again


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