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Eames Lounge replic...

Eames Lounge replica w/built in recliner?  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2
22/03/2006 11:08 pm  

I just purchased an orange leather eames style loung chair with a built in recliner that folds out when you lean back. Otherwise, it looks just like the real thing, including the 5 metal legs on the base. It is finished in a beautiful dark walnut/teak on the back. What is this piece? Does anyone know how much it is worth? There are no labels on it to be found

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2006 10:17 am  

It sounds like one of many ma...
It sounds like one of many many EAMES lounge chair inspired copies. Even the more noteable copies (plycraft) are worth 300-500. This is more likely to be worth around 100-150 USD at best. The recliner aspect of it cheapens it. It also depends on how well it is made.

New Member
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23/03/2006 6:09 pm  

I'd have a hard time believin...
I'd have a hard time believing it is worth that little. The construction of it is excellent, and it is finished in a very dark wood. I suspect it is from the 70s. I paid $450 for it. Personally, I feel that it is worth it for the quality of the piece alone, regardless of its design value. Anyone else have any ideas?

Estimable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 99
28/03/2006 4:28 am  

post some photos of it, i am...
post some photos of it, i am curious as to what it looks like


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