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Eames Lounge Chair-...

Eames Lounge Chair- Real or Fake? (Pics)  


New Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2
26/08/2011 3:09 pm  

Hey, all.

I've been doing a lot of research online, but I thought it might be best to just go to the pros and listen to your opinion.

I'm considering buying this chair from a guy online. It's not cheap (> $1000 before bargaining), but we all know that there are fakes that specifically designed to sell in this range.

Looking at these pictures, is there anything that stands out as blatantly wrong? I also have a larger shot of the label if that would help.

Thanks in advance.

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachme

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 361
26/08/2011 7:45 pm  

looks ok to me...
The photos aren't the greatest, but it looks legit to me - just of a very recent make.
I'll be honest I don't know much about the differences between the recent authorized HM chairs and the vintage models. Most of what I know applies to lounge chairs 25 years or older. However, from your photos this chair does look to be an authorized HM Eames lounge chair.
Two further pieces of advice:
It's always good to also inspect pieces for repairs. Sometimes people manage to do major damage to a piece, have a repair done and then sell it while not being upfront about its history.
Always keep in mind one of the first indicators is quality - is this chair well made and using high-quality materials? Go from there.

Illustrious Member
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26/08/2011 9:03 pm  

I'm no expert....
But this chair seems to be missing some shockmounts? Also, looks to have been repaired.
It is authentic Herman Miller though.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 4586
26/08/2011 9:20 pm  

It looks authentic.
And I don't think it's missing any shock mounts. Of the 6 shock mounts on the seat back brackets, the 4 bottom are small..the 2 top are large.
Carry on.

New Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2
26/08/2011 11:55 pm  

Thanks for your help, all.


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