Design Addict


"Eames Inspiration"

"Eames Inspiration"  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
22/05/2010 10:53 pm  

As with any art applied on a surface one must ask what the connections are. In this case what does the art actually have to do with an Eames chair? In most of the examples I saw - nothing.
The Skewville makes allusions to being a chair "I got your back - relax." Not exactly groundbreaking, but relevant.
The Peru Ana Ana Peru chair references conversation and Elbow-Toe mentions desire - both apt for the chair. Overall I agree with DudeDah - surface decoration and not much more.
And yes DudeDah, canvas was designed to be painted on. Wooden panels were labor intensive (no mechanical planers and sandpaper back then) and if the wood wasn't cured properly the panels were prone to warp and crack. Painting on fabric allowed a taut surface that was relatively cheap and mass produceable, in much the same manner that paper came to replace vellum and skins for writing/drawing.

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