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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
07/05/2009 10:32 pm  

Great, Lloyd. Perfect...
Great, Lloyd. Perfect timing. I think the house should be done by September. In case you haven't heard of them you should go to It's my architect's site.
Keep my email handy
I'm so sorry about your loss. And no it's really not funny.
I was with the same woman for 9 years (high school sweetheart). We married and three years later she left. We were just 25 years old! Come to find out she (before she left) had something with a mid 50s illegal alien horse trainer from Columbia. Now, that's funny.
The best part is now I am with the love of my life and having a baby boy in under 4 weeks from now!
Things always get better. If she was this shallow, she did you a favor. A kind, successful man like yourself, with impeccable taste will have no problem bringing the ladies in.... You do have a hell of a bachelor pad you know? Now all you need is the remote control that dims the lights and turns on the Miles Davis record.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
08/05/2009 12:38 am  

Dear LRF:
As I heard, to choose South America these days, (for those with U$S and/or ?ur), mean will find all very affordable.
San Pablo is great end very big, if you are going for business is OK, but Rio de Janerio is much more nice, great Architecture and fun, plus beaches!! 😉 .You have other very cool cities with beaches also.
But... wait, wait, you said South America for Architecture and Design and don't plan to visit Buenos Aires???, I won't forgive you that!, if you are near I think it would worth a visit a couple of days... just let me know!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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08/05/2009 2:10 am  

I am in Lausanne, right near Geneva, right on the water on Lac Leman, aka Lake Geneva. Would love, love, love to have you. Are you still doing your furniture restoration business? Hope so, as you are world-renowned. And, no, your ex is definitely not invited!
P.S. As beautiful as Switzerland is, you are probably going to have more fun chasing las senoritas in Buenos Aires with Gustavo!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
08/05/2009 3:23 am  

Gustavo Riki Jacob
I am going everywhere !!!! and thanks for the well wishes from all. you are all very kind and great people.
I was a little shocked about the wife to say the least. She ran off with a youngster so we will see how that works out as she is no spring chicken. Like Jacob said I do have a great house, and i will keep it for home base forever as I love it and we use it for lots of Charity events in the city.
I will make it to Rio, just to see it but I love Switzerland. Thanks Riki how long will you be there?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
08/05/2009 3:27 am  

do you use skype? so much fun i have friends in Canada Italy, London,
and Brazil. i have been using it and hear them and see them so clear. it is great , get one and i will ring you up.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
10/05/2009 6:01 am  

If you're ever coming to Cambridge give a shout!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
11/05/2009 8:25 am  

If i get back to visit Harvard I will give a call

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