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Eames Bikini Chair ...

Eames Bikini Chair Cover (Colors)  


Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 353
16/03/2008 6:09 am  

Hey all,

I picked up my Eames Bikini rocker this week. The cover that had been on it was white, but it was in really poor condition. I've seen some websites where you can buy new covers for the chairs. Does anyone knows what the original colors they offered were? I suspect that some of these websites have added colors and patterns that were not originally availbale. I would like to stick with one of the original colors that the bikini covers were offered in. Does anyone know where I might find such information?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
16/03/2008 2:37 pm  

I'm not sure
but this is a good place to get replacements

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
16/03/2008 9:25 pm  

I've seen bikini's in dozens of different colors. The textiles available are a lot harder to track and record than the permutations of the chairs. If you surf over to Eames Office you can see some brochures of the original chairs (go to Eames Resources, vintage Eames, then Eames catalogue over on the right hand side)..there may be some fabric choices there.
If you stick with a basic color you should be fine: red,white,orange,blue etc. The temptation is always to get some crazy fabric like Millerstripe, or Panton Optik. At least thats my temptation, lol.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 353
17/03/2008 1:54 pm  

Thanks for the links...
I've already looked at both of those sites...found mentions of them in earlier threads. But since no one knows what the original colors were, I'll probably just go with a solid color...possibly the orange. Though I might stick with the white that was originally on the chair. However, I'm planning on putting the chairs around a Saarinen tulup table and think it might be a bit to much white if the cushions are also white...that was the main reason I didn't want to go with the tulip chairs, a bit too much white with a white table and white chairs. Have to find a reasonable priced tulip table first though 🙂 It's the shipping that's killing me so I keep holding out hoping to come across one in driving distance.


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