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Eames Aluminum/Evan...

Eames Aluminum/Evans Products Co. "Mutt" Coffee Table (Missing Glide)  

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Trusted Member
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16/05/2011 11:24 pm  

Looking for a little input from our garage sale pickup this weekend. It appears it's a "mutt" of sorts. I instantly recognized the Eames Aluminum base (authentic right?) but the top is from Evans Products Co. I've heard about Evans and Eames working together but this seems beyond that as the top is possibly newer and someone put this base on? Love to hear some feedback.

Also, has anyone seen this adjustable glide before? It's missing one and I've scoured the net including and can't seem to find anything quite like it. Are these original glides for the aluminum group base? I thought they were all white injection moulded nylon glides not adjustable screw-ins like these? You guys have a course of action here to find a replacement? Herman Miller, local dealer etc.?

Thanks everybody.

Illustrious Member
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16/05/2011 11:39 pm  

The Evans Products Company manufacturer labels I've seen have a very different logo: Two copies of the word "EVANS" in a cross shape, within a circle.
The label on your piece looks like a property tag, not a manufacturer's label. What does the text under the word "Evans" say?

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16/05/2011 11:45 pm  

Thanks fastfwd for the quick response.
It says "Products Company". I know. The label doesn't fit with other Herman Miller/Evans ones. Strange, huh?
It's almost like the top is from the 80s or something and the base is older, correct?

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 12:15 am  

Evans was a huge company.
Like many companies, they furnished their offices with furniture made by Herman Miller.
I think you have a table that was simply purchased by Evans, not manufactured by them.
The company was killed by Victor Posner in the early 80s, so your table's probably not newer than that. And the base dates from the mid-60s, so it's not any older than that.
For replacement glides... I'd try Herman Miller first.

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 12:19 am  

That looks like an inventory tag.

Noble Member
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17/05/2011 12:26 am  

If I'm not mistaken...
that is a self-leveling glide and Mancha should have them. Shoot him an email and tell him what you're looking for. I bought one from him not TOO long ago for a similar table.
yeah, that's a tag that monsterous companies use to keep track of their crap.

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 2:45 am  

Just a question on those bases, I've got a few ugly powder coated ones that have a slightly different shape to the casting, they aren't the much older style but aren't as high off the ground at the centre as the one posted, I thought these were the universal bases and only came in one shape? Looking closer that has a more pyramidal shape, mine are flatter and almost parallel to the floor with more length to the casting where the glide/wheel inserts.
Naive about Herman miller, not much of it here.

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 3:10 am  

Am I
Am I the only one who thinks the proportions on the base are slightly off? It could just be the photos, but they look a where it curves down to the foot pad.

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17/05/2011 3:17 am  

Heath, the ones I have owned ...
Heath, the ones I have owned have the same shape you describe. This one looks a little off, compared to what I've had, but maybe they had different designs? Also, the shape where the glide screws in does seem a little odd, as well.

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17/05/2011 3:18 am  

Thanks everyone for all the discussion. Pretty interesting to figure this piece out.
I'll look into the glides more and I'll get another photo up Heath so you can see that base a little more clearly because I really want to make sure it's legit or not.

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 3:22 am  

yeah and the stem on mine is flush with edge of the base, no step.
The one posted though is quite pleasing though, tighter and sharper than usual.

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 4:14 am  

Yes, on a typical base, the legs/spokes (or whatever you call them) are almost parallel to the floor.

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17/05/2011 4:46 am  

More Pics...
Here's some more shots guys. Ultimately I want to make sure it's a legitimate base. By the weight and feel of this thing it seems that way. You can barely budge the thing.

Thanks again for all your input. Keep it coming.

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17/05/2011 4:55 am  

Quick update...
The elder gentlemen I got this from was involved/worked for Evans Products Company and said they got pieces for furnishings from Eames/Herman Miller.
So I guess my next question is...could the top on this be original?
It has some other small holes indicating otherwise and I've never seen a square top like this on that base...
Another peculiar thing is the two different merchandise tags. If you notice from my earlier photo one seems much older and metal/brass with EVANS 3125. This has me very interested.
The other "newer" tag is more of a stylized decal with the EP logo and "Evans Products Company". So it seems they just retagged it later on for tracking/merchandise purposes.

Illustrious Member
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17/05/2011 5:01 am  

Interesting... Eames forensics experts needed, that is defintiely not like the bases I have or have seen in books, it could be something rare or not HM at all.

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