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Eames Aluminum Mana...

Eames Aluminum Management chairs: casters or glides?  


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09/04/2008 12:32 am  

For some reason, I've only ever seen them with casters although I think I prefer the glides. Glides feel more residential, while casters are more practical.

The chair will be used with a desk in my apartment.

What are your preferences?

ite (BE)
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09/04/2008 1:06 am  

absolute preference for a chair sitting on for long streches of time:
adjustable height (to be able to work comfortably whatever you are doing: typing, reading etc.) & castors.
but .. does not matter too much either way when the chair will only be used for short periods on end.
What do you wish to use the chair for ?

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09/04/2008 2:36 am  

long hours
ite, thanks for the reply.
I intend to use it for my "home office", working on my laptop and iMac, probably for several hours a day. I agree with you about the importance of height adjustment. The tilt function is good to have too, for ergonomic reasons. All the management chairs in the aluminum series have these funtions, incl. the swivel of course.
My problem is I don't want my home office to look too much like an actual office but more residential and casual. To me, the casters seem to be working against this effect so I was curious what other people prefer for home use.

ite (BE)
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09/04/2008 4:10 pm  

Hi Gustaf,
I hear you. The only thing is: the alu management chairs that are adjustable in height usually come with castors. Personally I don?t think that the castors change much to the look visually, but if you think it will bother you, perhaps best call a dealer and inquire after the adjustable height/ no castors combination.
It is a great looking chair either way. Good luck !

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09/04/2008 11:03 pm  

long hours
ite, thanks for the advice. Glides is an option in the catalogue, the delivery time may be longer of course. But I am warming up to the casters.

Illustrious Member
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09/04/2008 11:19 pm  

I have a EA 108 in my...
I have a EA 108 in my office, and also an EA 217. I use the 217 for my desk as the castors really are a life saver when 'sliding' across the room to the printer, or moving across to a shelf.
The glides will soon annoy you if it's being used as a general office chair IMHO! Height and tilt is also a must I think..

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10/04/2008 12:55 am  

Thanks Nick. Yes, that makes...
Thanks Nick. Yes, that makes sense. But what goes better with the chair?
I find that the casters add a lot of emphasis to the base of the chair, which may be good, but in doing so they also create a sharp distinction between the function of the chair (work) vs. the function of the rest of the apartment (non-work). I'd like a more blurred line between the two.

azurechicken (USA)
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10/04/2008 8:29 am  

Most (regular) people
see the chair as too (office looking) for the home,period.I cant see how the non castor look is SO much more homelike/cozy.Your feeling that castors point up the base is my view as well.The castors improve the function greatly,I have several in my home...

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11/04/2008 2:48 am  

Thanks azurechicken. Good points. I am sure you are right. Still, what matters most to me is how I will feel about it. The problem is I don't see any real alternatives. It needs to be timelessly stylish and exceptionally comfortable, which the Eames is.

Illustrious Member
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11/04/2008 4:00 am  

I actually prefer the look...
I actually prefer the look of the chair with castors - It looks slightly top heavy on glides (softpad we're talking) so I think the castors balance the look a little. The main issue for me is function, and the chair functions a lot better on the wheels!


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