You see all kinds of crazy nonsense on eBay. Mis-attributions, misrepresentations, overvaluations, poor photos, no photos, poor descriptions, no descriptions... You get the idea and I'm sure you have seen more than your share if you look at eBay at all. I saw this auction for a Nelson miniature chest just yesterday and had to wonder why they were using photos from a past Wright auction. I emailed the seller and asked them if it was the same cabinet from the auction or if they were just "borrowing" the photos. You know, is the item you are selling the one in the pictures or is it "just like" that one. If I were asking someone to pay $9500 for something, you can bet that I'd be very clear about what they were getting.
The seller responded with personal attacks and profanity. He never answered my question. I thought, "Wow. That's professional".
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