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Drunk Apple employe...

Drunk Apple employee loses the iPhone prototype  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
23/04/2010 12:50 am  

It's those 'almost...
It's those 'almost imperceptible' items on your list, unfortunately I'm afraid, that'll end up killing you.
Ask any mermaid ...
Please don't assume I lack an (in)appopriate sense of humor about such imperatives, per the Carlin link. Olive's link to 'stuff' reminded me of old George.
The cold, hard reality of life - at least for us humans - may not be quite so funny.
If you're not entirely offended, click on the Carlin youtube link at the side of this one titled Modern Man, to my mind the best piece of performance poetry the last few years you will ever find.
Another alpha male, sadly, on beta blockers:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6462
23/04/2010 10:22 am  

I've got one
for you-all -- Stewart Brand's new "Whole Earth Discipline." An unillustrated encyclopedia in real time; a tour around the world, yesterday today and tomorrow. History ! Science ! Drama ! Good News and bad ! Boy are we in for it -- if we don't look up, get smart, and move on. Great reading, no matter what your agenda.
And thanks for that classic Carlin. Bookmarked and spam-ready, for me.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
23/04/2010 9:51 pm  

I'll have to check that out....
I'll have to check that out. I can never think of Brand past LSD, Ken Kesey, and the Electric Kool-Aid days. He's a wise cat.
One author that I always recommend (and who is kind of the different side of the same Brand coin) to anyone who may or may not be interested in the health of the world we live in is Wendell Berry.
The Unsettling of America is a good place to start, or The Gift of Good Land, but really, you can't go very wrong with anything he's done.
Here's a link to a recent essay. Seems appropriate on such a beautiful day, birds singing, the Gulf burning ...

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