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Donor that supports this free site looking for help with ID, thanks!  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 26
15/09/2013 3:42 am  

I'm always giving opinions on items people post and this time ask my design community for your help with possible makers of the chair pictured. Many thanks.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 902
15/09/2013 6:06 am  

Dont know
this one specifically, but I'd say Adrian Pearsall.

william swift
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Posts: 113
15/09/2013 7:57 am  

Close up of webbing clips?
I'm not familiar with this chair either, but agree that it looks like Pearsall. Can you show a close up of the clips that hold the webbing on the ottoman? Some Pearsall chairs have two piece clips attatched with two screws. One piece against the frame, and a second piece that has "teeth" that hold the webbing when tightened. The ones I have seen are mounted to the inside of the frame, as this appears to be.

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 26
15/09/2013 8:19 pm  

Close up of picture
Here is a close up of the strap bracket. There is only one metal bracket (with teeth) that secures the strap to the wood.
I also found two other identical examples online for this chair that are being attributed to Pearsall.
Without seeing this particular chair in his catalog its difficult to say with 100% certainty it is a Pearsall chair. Maybe its a rarer example of his work. It does have the telltale signs of walnut construction and "look" he displayed in known examples. Another reason I am almost positive is this came from an estate in Johnston, PA with jacks end tables.
It would be nice to be able to identify the chair and ottoman as a authentic Pearsall. Thanks for your help!

william swift
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Posts: 113
15/09/2013 8:51 pm  

Tag inside?
Those are the clips that I have seen on known Pearsall chairs, although I can't say that they were exclusive to Craft Associates. If there is a dust cover on the bottom of the chair that can be easily removed and replaced, you may find a tag inside.

Famed Member
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15/09/2013 10:34 pm  

Hey Look!
Look what just showed up for sale on eBay.

Illustrious Member
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16/09/2013 1:28 am  

I was wondering why he made a point of saying that he has contributed here and has donated to this free site (and therefore is more deserving of members' free ID expertise?)
"I have checked with my online community at Design Addict Forum and the general consensus is that its a Pearsall Piece, perhaps even RARE"
To be precise, it is the seller who suggested above it might be rare. No one else here made that assertion.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
16/09/2013 1:30 am  

many, many American furniture manufacturers used those screw-on webbing clips with teeth. They aren't a unique feature of Pearsall chairs by a long shot.

william swift
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Posts: 113
18/09/2013 8:47 pm  

It's been my experience that not "many, many" American furniture manufacturers even used the rubber strapping that those clips were meant for. Some did for sure, but the majority that I have seen were tacked or stapled to the frames.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
18/09/2013 10:14 pm  

I'm just going by my
own experience in upholstering a lot of American chairs. They were in common use.


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