Design Addict


Does someone know t...

Does someone know the creator of this nice wire chair ?  


denniz (BE)
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02/08/2010 3:50 pm  

Does someone know the designer of this wire chair, who's made in the manner of Bertoia, Eames, Cees Braakman?

Thnx a lot

Ben Joyner
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02/08/2010 5:01 pm  

Not sure
Not sure who designed it, I've seen them attributed to Braakman but not 100% convinced. I had a pair a while back and they were bloody uncomfortable!

Robert Leach
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02/08/2010 5:17 pm  

I've also
seen them from time to time
They have an 80s look to me
No idea on maker/ designer..but they sort of look Italian ?

ite (BE)
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02/08/2010 7:09 pm  

It's actually an old IKEA model. I know, I used to have one in my room as a kid :o)
Oh, and they were much much more affordable originally..

ite (BE)
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02/08/2010 7:41 pm  

I am pretty much convinced they were KEAS "interpretation" of the Bertoia diamond chair. (Just as IKEA now has interpretations of Aalto's, Rams' etc. work for sale)
Artie, they were never meant to be used as such, they came with a thick padded seating pad (that had to be attached with elastics to the frame). However, the frame is pretty robust & the seating pad did get soiled with use (and did spoil the architectural look of the chair). So most chairs lived on without a cushion..
With seating pad the chair was surprisingly comfortable. Without the pad you got an itchy tush where the the rods left a grid impression in the skin - only recommended for people who whish to play OXO on their thighs.
The most annoying feature of the chair is the protruding front 'leg', which causes you to bump your toes against it on a regular basis. This reminds me of the dearly beloved mr Starker who once developped a chair on 3 legs, with one protruding hind leg. It was meant for a café. His comments were : "The chair only has 3 legs, which means the waiters will trip only half as much". What the idiot did forget is that it is protrusion of legs far outside the visual frame that encourages the tripping in the first place. If he had designed the chair with 4 legs neatly tucked under the seat, no tripping would be necessary. Anyway, just by means of anecdote ...
PS: my IKEA chair had a black frame, don't remember whether they also sold the chair with a red frame.

ite (BE)
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02/08/2010 8:36 pm  

Oh, one more thing: the date the seller picks ("France 1970") is inaccurate. It's probably merely an educated guess on his part.
I clearly remember the chair in my room in the 90s, can't really recall whether i had it as a tiny kid - that would be 80s. But it's definitely, decidedly, NOT 70s.

Illustrious Member
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03/08/2010 5:10 pm  

I remember these in Ikea in t...
I remember these in Ikea in the 90's. I'd hardly call French 1970s an 'educated' guess - more like a load of bollocks from a dealer who should be seeking a different career.

ite (BE)
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03/08/2010 11:05 pm  

His distant nephew..
Hey Paulanna, you may also like this seller's marketing skills :o)

Illustrious Member
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03/08/2010 11:51 pm  

Oh he's good!
An early...
Oh he's good!
An early contender for the Turd Polisher of the Year Award

ite (BE)
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04/08/2010 12:05 am  

yep, thought so as well :o)

Robert Leach
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04/08/2010 12:19 am  

tells me this is just the tip of the IKEA iceberg, and that we have a whole future of this to look forward to ..
mediocre to OKish items that look slightly 'designed' to the layman..
and con-man...

denniz (BE)
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04/08/2010 3:46 pm  

thnx for the comments!!!
thnx for the comments!!!


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