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Does anyone watch t...

Does anyone watch the TV show 'House, MD.'?  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
05/02/2009 7:06 pm  

It's true
I do, in fact, watch American Idol. It's a research project to um...see how the un-elite live.
No, wait! I'm being patriotic and I'm um... supporting the American economy.
*sigh*... okay.. I'm actually just reduced to being a giggly 14 year old girl on Tuesday nights. But at least I don't watch "Dancing with the Stars" !

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 52
05/02/2009 7:19 pm  

I used to loathe House MD
I used to loathe House MD, but have since come to enjoy it. I hated Laurie's character and thought it was so unrealistic that a doctor with obvious substance abuse problems would be allowed to practice.
House is now my go-to veg-out show. If you can allow for a little suspension of disbelief, it's a good show. I think it's one of those shows that has to grow on you until you "get-it". Laurie is really a fine actor. I think I have a bit of a crush on him as House. If you do a Wiki on him you will find that he is bit of a Renaissance man, pretty interesting guy.
FYI House MD is the most popular scripted television show, and the third most popular overall, behind Dancing with the Stars (OMG, who can stomach that?) and AI.
I seem to have an "it" show for about a year or so, and then loose interest. When my interest wanes, I can see how lame the acting/writing is. We'll see if that happens with House MD.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 696
05/02/2009 7:58 pm  

You see? We get House, The...
You see? We get House, The Wire, Madmen, Gen Kill, Sopranos etc from the US. We give you.......Dancing with the Stars! It's like a f..... up Marshall Plan in reverse. Incidentally has anyone number crunched House and analysed how often its either a) a brain tumour or b) exposure to an obscure (except to Hugh 'whats on the MRI' Laurie) toxic chemical? About 80% is my guess. If they'd only remember what they did last week they'd be a lot quicker diagnosing the next poor schmuck in a coma

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