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Does anyone know an...

Does anyone know anything about this desk?  


New Member
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Posts: 1
17/04/2016 4:46 am  

I just found this desk at a thrift store for $23. I was floored by the price, the condition, and that it is American of Martinsville.
Is there anyone that knows when it was made, and approximately what it is worth? Any help will be appreciated.

Illustrious Member
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17/04/2016 5:05 am  

I'm gonna guess that it was made between 1960 and 1975. It is a mishmash of Sheraton (??) style and Let's Appeal to the Ladies style (those draw pulls). (though now that I've thought about it, maybe those pulls were added later.)
This isn't a place to ask value but just offhand I'd say that there are people who would pay a little more than you did for it and there are people who would not pay anything for it.
Martinsville made some decent things but this is just a reproduction antique-ish piece in a style that was in demand for awhile but isn't so much now. It's not considered a mid-century design even though it was made around that time. But if you love it, that's great--you got a useful desk for $23. That's something!


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