Design Addict


Does anybody know a...

Does anybody know anything about this website?  

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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6
16/09/2009 8:52 pm  

apologies if this has...
apologies if this has offended you.
We are just trying to get the word out.
Probably not the most ethical methods i agree
We are making no money and have a very limited marketing budget,we have used all of the cheapest options open to us.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3212
17/09/2009 2:16 am  

My brief experience?
Spelling and grammar mistakes all over the place and two 'authorisation' emails that didn't arrive in spite of contacting them; so couldn't register.
Poor start.

Active Member
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Posts: 6
17/09/2009 2:19 pm  

Apologies Robert,have...
Apologies Robert,have started the site 2 weeks early to iron out these sort of bugs,official opening is october.
Have corrected some of the grammar mistakes although i will get someone more qualified to check things over before launch date.
To be fair was my wife who wrote them,she is Danish and only been living in the U.K 5 years,neither of us are terribly gifted in that respect.
Has been a very busy time trying to get everything ready.Will get your details to you today,has been a problem with emails going to peoples Spam box.Apologies again.Best wishes,Jon
Not trying to advertise the site, just want the right to reply.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
17/09/2009 4:02 pm  

Not sure I agree that the...
Not sure I agree that the design market in the UK is small Jon. What people want/buy in the UK compared with say France or the Netherlands is actually very different as are the prices on various designers.

Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6
17/09/2009 4:18 pm  

Was meaning the market here...
Was meaning the market here is smaller than in the rest of the E.U,mostly dictated by size of population.
Makes sense to advertise to the largest demographic.
Also i may have a slightly biased view.
Most of the items i love and have sold were of Danish origin.My knowledge is a little one sided perhaps so no offence intended,am a proud Brit!

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