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Do kids like and pl...

Do kids like and play with these toys?  

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Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 2:59 am  

I didn't think "expensive" was in your vocabulary.

Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 3:04 am  

If its made the way I think i...
If its made the way I think it is and not in China $66.00 is reasonable.
Thinking about the kids I know, their imaginations and remembering what I liked as a kid and how I think now I'm leaning towards the simpler toys, I remember imagining and building a world around things which is constricted when details force the kids minds to think about things in certain ways. If they want decoration let them create it, Wright had the Froebel blocks...
Surrealist toys? What about those zombie deady bear things? I like them. Kids and especially the older ones are a bit mad and complex in my experience, perhaps even insane.

Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 4:26 am  

Thank you woodywood
Even as I was writing the word "expensive" I had the feeling that something was wrong. You are correct that this amount is trivial, but I thought it may be too much for the more pedestrian (or cost-conscious) readers of this thread.
Thank you for keeping an eye on my writing and always being on the look out for the Ark.

Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 8:15 am  


Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 8:35 am  

I dont have kids
But I think back to what was my favorite. It was a small toy car and an Eames armshell. The chair was the racetrack and worked beautifully with it's smooth curves. I wore grooves in that chair I used it so much. And the car would really fly when put at the top and let go. Like a distance ski jumper ramp. And yes, we had all the brightly colored plastic crap around. None of it could hold a candle to the car and shell combo. I wont even tell you what fun the cigar bubble floor lamp was, it's too sad now.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 10:29 am  

Yes! Imagination is essentia...
Yes! Imagination is essential! Could it be that abstract toys facilitate a healthy imagination much more readily than realistic ones?
What are the Zombie Deadly Bears you speak of Heath?
One of my Automoblox toy cars by Patrick Calello pictured below. Has interchangeable parts. Made in China.

Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 11:23 am  

I had lego, trees to climb...
I had lego, trees to climb and a cat...nthings really changed.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 12:36 pm  

So instead of going to...
So instead of going to daycare, you come here=P

Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 12:40 pm  

yeah, me and Lit up.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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28/05/2011 12:50 pm  


Illustrious Member
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29/05/2011 12:04 am  

I was all for the simple...
I was all for the simple wooden cars and trucks for my kids but they preferred more realistic ones. I mean like Tonka and Matchbox, not Mattel junk. My daughters liked Barbies instead of the sweet, classic rag dolls and sock bunnies that I made for them. I think I was the same way. I wanted toys that looked as much like the real thing as possible.
My grandson, 3, seems to like simple wooden vehicles, realistically detailed ones, and Mattel junk equally. Go figure. I think it's quite possible that it's some inborn thing having as much to do with personality type than anything else.
Plan Toys makes some really great wooden toys, by the way. Their little cars have almost no friction in the axles and will whiz a great distance with just a little push. Melissa & Doug has (have?) a lot of nice toys, too.
These little Plan Toys cars are three for $10. They're a little less than 2" in length.

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29/05/2011 7:34 am  

Too many toys here....
My son is almost 4. At this point, I still get to pick his toys which I do with impunity. I loved and still love toys that are very simplistic like the red airplane.
However, they have to be built to LAST around here. Some of the "prettier" toys bite the dust after a couple of months and many rounds of super glue.
I'm a good judge of quality now and still go for awesome design provided that they will a beating. I've seen first hand that they inspire greater creativity.

Famed Member
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01/06/2011 12:26 pm  

Actually, I think my nephew...
Actually, I think my nephew would prefer the red plane to the plastic multi-colored thing. He would prefer it becuase it actually resembles an airplane. And he also likes simply colored objects. He loved trucks, airplanes, dinosaurs, and robots. He has several trucks with numerous 'gadgets' on them. He plays with his simple trucks just as much as he does with his 'gadgety' trucks.
And from Santa this year, he asked for a vintage robot that he saw at a local flea market. The robot was from the early 80s and pretty simple-looking. It was grey and only rolls around when pushed. He didn't ask for the expensive robots that flash lights and use remotes. He specifically asked for the simple one that was luckily still there when my brother-in-law dashed back to flea market after Oliver told Santa he wanted that robot. It cost my brother-in-law $10. Cheapest Santa present ever. And boy does Ollie love that robot. So yes, kids do like and play with simple toys.

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