Design Addict


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Eminent Member
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Posts: 36
15/07/2013 11:29 pm  

Many thanks to Patrick and Alix
Actually it's unbelievable that a poser like "Mark" is allowed to abuse this forum for his personality show for such a long time without being bounced earlier.

angels with dir...
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15/07/2013 11:36 pm  

which bit of "Please avoid personal attacks!" didn't you understand?

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 12:17 am  

And the pain feels good?

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 12:17 am  

It's more an issue of...
It's more an issue of somebody refusing to learn not to touch the stove. The stove is hot!

Honorable Member
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16/07/2013 1:53 am  

losing control and perspective
Not sure I get why Mark deserves a public scolding. Why not a respectful email to one of the long standing contributors to the forum?
By the way, I am in no way an elitist and really don't relate to Mark that way. Rather, I enjoy his sense of humor, end of story. Those who don't like it can merely look away for the moment until the new forum is up and running. How hard is that? Why take so much offense at someone having fun? Lighten up Francis!

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 2:53 am  

Mark received the full...
Mark received the full backing of many long term posters when he began with the snappies...he was positively encouraged all the way along. I am a long term member here and ive seen the new protesters come and go many times. I wish these people would stop speaking for me and stop suggesting that this place only discuss design. For me this is a community who never stray far off topic but the place is always better for the odd foray in to the dark side. There are many excellent personalities here and the forum is a sum of those parts, I skim read most threads and i participate where i feel i can add something...either for fun or for debate... I would really appreciate it if the fun side of here was less frowned upon and the negative side was kicked to the my book when the smoke cleared Mark would certainly be here and some newbies would be elsewhere hopefully enjoying the company of like minded individuals who were maybe a little more serious than this mottley crew.

Trusted Member
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16/07/2013 4:16 am  

Well said @ Killian.
Well said @ Killian.
I?ve been reading this thread and debated whether to chime in or not but I feel as though the point of this community has been missed here by some. To me Mark?s posts have provided a great deal of levity to this forum and this place would not be the same without that sense of humor from him and other contributors, If I?m not in the mood to read what he has to say I simply pass them by. No harm no foul. I come here and read the posts not only for the valuable information but to get to know like minded individuals who enjoy the same ?hobbies/passions? as I do. It seems to me that some of the people on here who are trashing Mark want this place to read like a textbook and to be honest it is not that. If you want a textbook of information?buy a textbook, a public forum such as this should be fun in the sense that people should enjoy what they are reading/writing. It should be like a conversation among friends not a lecture at a college. I say this very generally speaking but whether you like it or not we are all cut from the same cloth, lovers of design, mid century, etc? and with that comes a wide array of personalities, some more outlandish than others  but all an integral part of this place. I would like to think there is enough maturity floating around here to not let petty things ruin what was built here. That?s just my two cents as I would like this place to remain a fun place to visit. I mean no offense to anyone individually.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 5:14 am  

Dear Patrick and Alex
Thanks for a great site.
I would like to say that I don't think anything needs to change at all!
The silliness is often more interesting than what I thought I was looking for. The silliness will never stop me from finding out what I need to know. But ultimately, a boring site might.
1) People can ignore Mark if they want.
2) People can also ignore the reactions.
Its already "FIXED". Please don't break it.
it's fun to see stuff by accident sometimes, thats how one learns.
Please do not exile Mark to the "special room".
I sense that he is bringing in WAY more people to your site than he could ever drive away.

Noble Member
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16/07/2013 5:31 am  

So now it's the people who...
So now it's the people who are serious about design that are the problem with this forum. How dare those 'negative newbies' come to this site and expect a mature conversation about design? So right Killian, these serious types should find another place because Design Addict is clearly, as the name suggests, a place to share pictures of our wardrobe.
If you ever wondered why so called newbies come and go, then I suggest you consider the nature of your own comments. We all like to have a bit of fun, and yes some of us are serious about design, but this is a forum set up to discuss design related issues. If this is not what certain individuals want from a design focused site, then there are loads of social media platforms like Facebook where you can post selfies.
I really appreciate the moderaters bold step to reinvigorate this forum and attract new members.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 5:42 am  


Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 7:14 am  

This "Mark" thread...
is clearly identifiable as Mark's own thread. Everybody knows his trip, right?
Yet there are over TEN posts by people who claim to have no interest in Mark!
The outrage!
Cant just look away huh?
I guess its true, a bad review is just as good as a good review.
And I think Mark can feel the love in every post.

karin koller webb
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16/07/2013 8:22 am  

I consider myself 'VERY INTERESTED' in design. Mostly mdc design, though not exclusively. I have acquired some significant pieces in the last twenty years of living here on the Olympic peninsula. I'v been visiting this site for approx. ten years. Am I feeling distracted by any of the current dialog regarding snappies, or whatever ANYONE post? No, as in NEVER!
This is the go to site for me when I have questions. I constantly refer friends and total strangers here. I do wish for one or two minor changes
(Arg)..when the Recently Acquired tag is posted, why not list most recent first? No more scrolling to the bottom of the page. Secondly, is there no way to make posting photos less cumbersome??? I am, and will continue to be a huge fan of this site. Thank you, thank you...

Famed Member
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16/07/2013 8:54 am  

For some reason...
For some reason the Designaddict operators refuse to update this ancient forum. Its not expensive and its not particularly difficult, yet, they show no interest in doing so. I have my theory as to WHY they wont, but I'll keep it to myself.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 9:24 am  

Foxxy, Patrick and/or
Alix broke down at one point and related what it costs them, in time and money, to maintain the site -- and to update it, as they did a couple of years back. It doesn't happen by itself, to put it simply. I think we can do no better than to say thank you.
I agree with others that the site works quite well just as it is. Yes, there are other forms of posting; most fora I attend send e-mails to posters when a topic they contribute to has received new posts. But there was a time when we couldn't even edit our posts. And we now are greeted with a wonderful cornucopia of delectables every time we sign on.
Putting members like Mark (wait -- is there anyone else like Mark ?) -- on an "off-topic ranch" here at Design Addict would be a pity -- it seems to me. But I'll follow Design Addict wherever it wants to go !

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2013 12:24 pm  

To clarify my point as i think you are doing what i was trying to say a disservice.
There have been many posters who have come here in the past that have demanded the forum act in a particular way and many of them never hung around longer than the amount of time they were complaining. This Mark episode is not the first or the last time the niceness or seriousness of this group has been questioned and yet the core group of posters remains pretty much the same.
I would love to see the negativity leave this place but it wont so i skim read it and generally move on. I do not feel the light hearted moments here detract in any way and to be honest i really dont want to feel dictated to that we stay on topic by posters who appear to hardly be here a wet week. ( after rereading this I want to clarify that I am not referring to you in this point).
Newbies will always come and go and i dont think they require open arms, they either like the place or they dont.
My point about those more serious about design is simply why do they insist that everyone stay on topic ? And why is their view more valid than mine ? I have shown my loyalty to this site by being a regular for more years than i can remember so excuse me if my view of why this forum works thankfully includes the DiFrutta moments.

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