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karin koller webb
Prominent Member
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Posts: 157
14/07/2013 9:54 pm  

Where to start?
What to say?? Stating the obvious apparently is lost on a few souls, as in why do you need to pick ( and pick, and pick) ? And, is this a statement worthy of print regarding 'only people over 60". With a little luck you'll get there. I am filled with envy seeing the uber wonderful flowing floral shirt that blends almost seamlessly with the Bermudas. If I had gams like those I'd be strutting (albeit, in the fog) to work this a.m. Posting to you from a solid retirement community here on the Olympic peninsula in the great Northwest .
p.s. some of the most extraordinary finds come from 'those old folks'

Illustrious Member
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14/07/2013 10:09 pm  

Dearest Hazelnut,
Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you.

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14/07/2013 10:13 pm  

Hi Mark
Are you allowed to promenade just solo or only attended by somebody?

Illustrious Member
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14/07/2013 10:16 pm  

I usually sport a pair of canaries on my right shoulder, but nobody seems to notice.
Many thanks,

Robert Leach
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14/07/2013 10:21 pm  


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14/07/2013 10:49 pm  

Oh I see, so take care and...
Oh I see, so take care and don't suffer the same fate as Peter Sellers.

Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 106
14/07/2013 10:50 pm  

Welcome Back, Mark!
I actually thought you just took time off because you were part of George Zimmerman's defense team... Either way, I'm glad you're back.

angels with dir...
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14/07/2013 11:18 pm  

I nominate
marie297 to be confined in a specific section

Noble Member
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Posts: 243
15/07/2013 12:05 am  

... and smooches Mark.

Illustrious Member
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15/07/2013 12:54 am  

Robert1960, you say above, "It is simply bad manners to make personal comments about anyone, here or anywhere."
While this doesn't actually make much sense literally, I think I get what you're trying to say. My question to you, then, is why personal comments about ONESELF would be exempt from this?

Illustrious Member
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15/07/2013 2:10 am  

I always rush to put myself down before anyone else has the chance. Works for me . . .
Me [heart] Mark. A better bumpersticker than "Train Stops With Jerk -- Sam Davis Gets Off" (custom headline scored at Atlantic City by my dad and made for a work-mate, c. 1958).

Noble Member
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15/07/2013 4:57 am  

Oh Banksy
You are a mirror onto this world.

Illustrious Member
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15/07/2013 5:23 pm  

Mark, so glad
you're back--it was simply desolate without your timely snaps. And, please, don't be ashamed of being in the one percent. It's not always a bad thing--sometimes we still have our shining moments.
Case in point, we had a little barbecue this weekend at our chalet in the French Alps for 30 nearest and dearest to celebrate the day the French beheaded Marie Antoinette. As one does. Anyway, a rather large American ex-pat sat in one of my Steen Ostergaard Cado chairs and promptly broke its' cantilevered loveliness into two pieces.
His embarrassed wife tried to PAY ME right then and there for the chair that her husband's fat ass broke and I, being the elitist that I am, said ever so graciously, "Of course not, darling. Wouldn't hear of it. It was just an old, plastic patio chair. No worries!"
You see? We all have our place and yours is here. Welcome back.

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Posts: 229
15/07/2013 6:54 pm  

It is a complicated exercise...
It is a complicated exercise to try to please you all!
The new version of the forum will allow many improvements in the organization of the content, the efficiency of the search tools and the moderation.
We are seeing our web designers in two days. Later, we will get back to you for your opinions and suggestions concerning the development of the forum.
In the meantime, can we ask you two things to maintain a positive atmosphere on the forum?
1. Please avoid personal attacks! We will pay a particular attention to this in the coming weeks and will not hesitate to delete posts or threads that will be offensive.
2. Mark, could you kindly limit your snappies to a limited number of threads to avoid transforming the entire forum into a battle field? Of course, your on topic messages on any threads are always welcome and appreciated!
If everyone makes a little effort, this forum will continue to meet its original purpose. It must remain a friendly place where wonderful contributors can share their knowledge and thoughts in the respect of all.
Thank you all for your understanding!

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 243
15/07/2013 7:24 pm  

Thank you Patrick and Alix
It's good to see that you have acknowledged some of the tensions on this forum and are setting in place measures to keep images and discussions focused on design. The forum will be better for it.
Much appreciated.
Tick x

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