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Dining Chair ID, an...

Dining Chair ID, anyone?  


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19/11/2010 12:25 am  

Found a set of four of these in a charity shop recently and they have me stumped. Pretty sure it's not a British manufacturer, but then I'm happy to be proved wrong.

Black Vinyl seating with teak frame.

Any ideas? Help please!

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19/11/2010 2:08 pm  

come on you knowledgeable mid century brains
There must be somebody who can narrow it down...

Robert Leach
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19/11/2010 2:13 pm  

I Can Honestly Say
I've never seen them before !
(What makes you think they're not British ?)

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19/11/2010 2:45 pm  

er, slap me down if I'm being daft but...
The fact that the chairs struts between the legs are shaped - G plan stuff is often rounded or the edges taken off, but these are double-butted tapering in the middle. Pluss the formed backs. It takes quite a bit more work than I'd expect for UK makers and potentially more wastage of materials. Just expect UK bods to be parsimonious with their use of materials.
I have a Dalescraft sideboard that is similarly sculpted, but it's not the same.
The vinyl was recovered at some stage, so the maker's mark may have been lost.
Was hoping someone might just fling a the correct designer's name at me (one with loads of As grouped together) and make my day.
Still, they are very nice chairs. I welcome all discussion or conjecture!


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