Hey guys
I'm currently working on a feature story on designer abodes for pets. They are few and far between (which, in a world where many humans haven;t got a roof over their heads, is just as well). Anyway. I know about Danny Cheung's groovy fishbowl (he's an Aussie) and the plastic dog kennel by Magis (by Michael Young). any other suggestions? Any designer bird cages for example? Stuff for cats??
Stephen Lacey
lol, At first I was ready for...
lol, At first I was ready for a rant about obscene waste but then I remembered yes I like old birdcages...which is just a kennel for birds I suppose.
But what I'd like to know is how many pets actually settle into the mod ones? I've seen them before where the dogs WILL NOT go into them even when its raining.
Our cat hasn't used one pet...
Our cat hasn't used one pet bed we've gotten. Although I'm tempted by some of those cool pet beds, pricey as they are, I know deep in my heart, she'll ignore it and just go to my aluminum group chair like she always does.
At least she doesn't scratch on it anymore.
you're right
As much as we love our pets, they don't have an aesthetic leaning. They much prefer your dirty shirt with your scent to an exquisitely designed throne made especially for them. It's a waste of money. As neat as they are, it's just another way to sell something. These designs are not solving a problem.
LOL. Now that's what I call...
whitespike - so true, I remember getting my cat a cool looking pad, well he decided the box it came in was way better. I thought it was cool, what do I know.
LOL. Now that's what I call "living it up" kitty looks to be on its thrown. What a great find.
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