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Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 36
31/08/2007 9:35 pm  

Reading the thread posted earlier by LRF, where he referred to the 'The Design Encyclopedia ' I thought a good topic for a wet friday afternoon would be peoples favorite Design Recources, be that printed or Web based.

I will start the ball rolling with a favored, recent purchace; '999 Design Classics' published by Phaidon. Which i am sure you have all heard about or read for yourself.

And 'Spoon' another Phaidon publication which is essentially an exhibition in a book, 10 curators; including Ron Arad and Giulio Cappellini have each selected the work of 10 designers. An Excellent product and Industrial design book.

And On-line Resourses.... apart from the fabulous "design addict" site, i suppose Design boom....


Anyone any better ideas???

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 36
31/08/2007 9:40 pm  

After re-reading what i have...
After re-reading what i have written, i feel ive been a little predictable... but its been a very long week, and i'm hoping that someone out there is going to enlighten me to something that is going to put that warm feeling back in my heart, or at least an interesting read.
Happy weekend guys and gals

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
31/08/2007 10:28 pm  

If you like magazines pick up a copy of Mens Vogue . I was so surprised ., how they talk about designers, great
story on Raymond Loewey and lots of others. and the clothes for fall look pretty good also .
Since i have about 400 books in my design library i will list some of favorites..... but first LUNCH TIME

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 36
31/08/2007 10:50 pm  

Mens Vogue????? I had no...
Mens Vogue????? I had no idea such a thing existed....

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
31/08/2007 11:14 pm  

learn something new on DA ...
learn something new on DA every day
it is a good mag

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
01/09/2007 2:12 am  

great books from the LRF library
o.k. lunch is over
Three great books I am going to recommend that i just love are
World Design published by Chronicle this is a great book lots of really cool stuff to look at you can get it on amazon
The other Decorative Arts by Judith Miller this is great from style and design from classical to contempory This author is great .
The other book that i reference a lot is Design 1935 to 1965 what modern was published by Abrams
buying modern books on design is one of t he many things that I collect and love. I have about 397 more that i could recommend but i think that will be enough for now.

Noble Member
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Posts: 226
01/09/2007 5:50 am  

I love...
I love I know its team because I've had
a learning experience with them, and they have been very nice to
me even though I made a mess creating a terrible coffee cover.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
01/09/2007 6:30 am  

thanks for posting design dictionary
that looks like a great sight, I would not have known about,

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2007 10:50 pm  

I know I've posted this before but I love Architonics webpage - especially because they have a lot of images of both vintage and current productions.

Noble Member
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Posts: 226
06/09/2007 6:12 am  

I wonder how is...
I wonder how is going to be when it's launced.

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1966
06/09/2007 7:06 am  

A CENTURY OF INTERIOR DESIGN 1900-2000. by Stanley Abercrombie/rizzoli .

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 36
07/09/2007 1:05 am  

Good work girls and...
Good work girls and boys
I think this has the potential of being a very useful thread.
Anyone know of any other forums? This is the first forum that ive really every got into (and i dont mean like a pretentious club on a saturday night) But that i really enjoy logging onto each day to see whats being discussed, what bits of obscure information are being exchanged and i feel ive learnt a lot.
But for me this forum seems to focus on 'Modern' design, thanks to the input of the pasionate, well informed regulars. What i'm looking for is day to day discussions on whats happening today in the wide wide world of design, whether that be furniture, product, achitecture, graphics (print based.... tooo many web developer sites out there), surface pattern, jewelery, fashion(ish) and technology. Ive come accross plenty of blogs, news leters etc. but essentally its another forum im looking for, preferably one as insightful as this one.
I feel at this point that i should pay my respects to our gracious hosts Patrick and Alix, good work guys

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
07/09/2007 2:13 am  

John I feel the same w...
John I feel the same way I enjoy logging on and visiting with the same regulars all the time on this forum.
D. A. has drifted to modernism , and that is what I am all about, so for me it is perfect.
I like the fact that it is International,and we have nice folks ,
from the U.K. Ireland, Australia,Sweden, Denmark, Brussels,Canada,South America, North America, USA
If i left you out come on down and say hell-o that is what makes it so much fun.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
07/09/2007 3:28 am  

The Internet is like Ham ...
The Internet is like Ham Radios of the 60's We would get so excited when my friends who were big Ham Radio Operators, with the large tower in the back yard would say Kw69555 come in Australia.... and we would think it was coolest thing in the world cause they were at the opposite end of the world for us or oposite end of the world for them, and to think how much we have progressed in 40 years...... we can just say Hell-0 Mates.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 226
08/09/2007 4:12 am  

Hi jonnymiller, my parents...
Hi jonnymiller, my parents say that DA is an example of peace and politeness for the world. They have liked (me too) the way in which Patrick once handled Stephen Lacey?s personal attack to another user of the forum, Setag. They found the way Patrick dealt with it so elegant and educational at the same time. They were impressed.
Soon there will be a forum in and it will be also about graphic design, web design and photography. I'm not participating to the project, but I imagine that it's going to be a nice forum.

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