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Design Hotel in Ant...

Design Hotel in Antwerp  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 7
01/11/2006 11:50 am  

I remember having seen a small trendy hotel in somewhere in Antwerp. They had a La Chaise in the lobby, etc. Anyone knows more info about this hotel ?

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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01/11/2006 11:59 am  

Try Here ?
Try Here ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
02/11/2006 2:04 am  

I am ashamed
not to be able to answer a question about my home town...having left 45 years ago might be part of the reason...
A friend of mine, still living in Antwerp tells me that most likely is Hotel Julien on the Korte Nieuwstraat 24. A small but very nice hotel furnished with a combination of Eames, Poul Kjaerholm etc. and a few traditional pieces....I hope my friend was right. In any case and wherever you stay it is worth a few visits.

Illustrious Member
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02/11/2006 9:03 pm  

Antwerp, a town you left 45 years ago, is not exactly a ringing endorsement for tourism there. 🙂 But I will nonetheless take your advice and visit there should opportunity permit.

Illustrious Member
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05/11/2006 8:48 am  

To be honest...
I was tempted to write one of these flamboyant descriptions of Antwerp and the places to visit. Where else can you see two of the world's oldest printing presses in a 16th century printshop (Plantijn Moretus) that looks as if the +- 70 printers just left for lunch break. Where can you see the original engravings for the Claude Garamond' still widely used lettertype?, Where can you stand on the very spot where Thomas Moore starts his "Utopia" "...I left the Notre Dame cathedral in Antwerp..." after having seen inside a number of monumental paintings by Pieter-Paul Rubens? But I am not going to do it because I might ignite some old rivalry between Flemish cities. Our friend Gerrit lives in the great city Gent, The city that crowned Edward III of England, King of France and in doing so started the 100 year war in 1347-1350...depending on when you want the 100 years to end. For quite some time it was the largest european city above the alps and it maintained the status of largest Belgian city until the famine of 1845-48. It is still and in many ways a beautiful city with great art collections and magnificent buildings. Bruges or Brugge as we call it is also represented on DA and they to could claim to be the juwel of the low lands' that's why I feel it to be too risky to start about the beauty of Antwerp....sorry

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
05/11/2006 9:54 am  

Thank heavens you haven't come by all this refinement entirely on your own. I was beginning to feel inadequate. You inherited quite a bit! 🙂


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