Design Addict


The Design Addict v...

The Design Addict vase project (part 2)  

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Noble Member
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15/05/2007 2:52 am  

and now
tell us how do you make such a vase? it looks like porcelaine to me, but i cannot figure out how the molding works...

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 3:43 am  

First of all a few lines.... give credit where credit is due. The computer rendering has been made by a former Hippodesign employee, talented designer and dear friend Amiel Lapalme. He got my sketches about a week ago and offered to do his usual magic.
Credit is also due all of you who have commented. Everybody will recognize the "James" top, the original "Patrick" idea of assembling a number of rods, improved first by "Robin" with the "bundle of sticks" idea and by "Steven" (SDR) who suggested to pull tubes all the way to the bottom. Heath (HP) also contributed heavely to that idea by reminding us that it could be a "fluted" collumn. The "Don" part is in the general "cat-safe" shape and...another vase he will recognize. "Olive"'s part is of course the whole idea of playing with rods or tubes as if they were flexible and I have already discussed with Amiel my original intention to make this more explicit by putting the hexagons of the base in a circle, rather than in a hexagon, which by the way joins James' idea of making space between the hexagons in the bottom. I hope Gerrit also recognizes his imput and "Martin" (M_Andersen) kept this vase close to the original idea and made sure that we would not be satisfied too soon.
All of this to confirm what was already clear to all, that this is not a "surprise" that Koen pulled out of nowhere.
I have a few other things to say about how I think it could be made, but I would first like to see to what point all those who have contributed to it identify with it as being the result of their contribution. I for one would not like to impose an artificial concensus where there is none.

Reputable Member
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15/05/2007 4:13 am  

Once again you have led us out of our wanderings in the wilderness. Grab it at the waist and present the bouquet. Wow! The empty sculptural shape echoes a bunch of flowers. Wow again! I just can't wait to hear the production details, like everyone else. If I said wow again you'd probably think I was a kid instead of a pensioner. Perhaps I need more excitement in my life.

James Collins
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15/05/2007 5:16 am  

It's perfect
It's simply superb but you knew that didn't you? I'll have two
What scale? Can you make it in a Wedgewood-esque black basalt?

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 7:24 am  

Honey bee nouveau...
There is a bit of art nouveau in the side view and the top makes me wonder if there's honey inside.
But yes, it is a stunner to look at.
User question: will people like putting in one flower at a time, even if we all think its a neat way to do it?

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 8:37 am  

This is like following Fred Astaire...
in a dance contest, when you have a clubbed foot, but I'm still determined to get the NACA duct sketch out...

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 8:40 am  

Well, that's
lovely ! I admit that I have been daydreaming of bent bundled tubes for a couple of days, without resolving anything. The hexagonal form is ideal -- logical (i.e., inevitable ?) and nature-inspired ? I love the way that the bottom seems to morph into another geometry, even though it doesn't (does that make any sense ?).
Leave it to Koen to refuse solo credit for this little opus. But I like the idea of a collaborative effort, of course; now the question is: what does Patrick think ?
Would the top grid be separatrely slip-cast and then attached to the vase (with slip ?) prior to the bisque firing ?

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 8:48 am  


Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 9:31 am  

Are you
able to see that image ? I see a little blue rectangle with a question mark in it. Still don't know what that signifies, exactly.

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 10:36 am  

I see it when I first insert it, but then after awhile...
it reduces to a little x. I'm done trying. I uploaded the pics to my yahoo 360 site and they won't stay available when i sign out.

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 10:58 am  

Hi Don,
I have made a few sketches of your "Ferrari" idea. They are not as good as I wanted but I am fighting a small right eye-infection which forces me to keep that eye closed. Sorry for that. I hope I understood what you wanted to do.

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 11:17 am  

I am as anxious...
as anybody else to give you the details on how this can be produced rather easely...but I am hesitant. The reason is simple. I have quite often used innovative manufacturing technology to do things that made sense functionally or otherwise, in order to protect my clients from the usual copies. This project has been a rather "public" and very accessible display of a number of interesting ideas and I would hate to see this accessibility to be abused by someone that does not share our goals standards when it comes to the protection of intellectual property. So please allow me at least for the time being to ask for some patience untill we find a suitable solution.
Yes James, it can be made in "basalt black Wedgewood like material and I will gladly do one for you when we are production ready.
As far as size is concerned, I would start of with proposing a 10" (250 mm)- 11"(275 mm) height.

Noble Member
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15/05/2007 4:41 pm  

Dear SDR, you say "now the...
Dear SDR, you say "now the question is: what does Patrick think?".
I'm very happy of course! If everybody is as enthusiastic as Alix and I, we will be able to continue on the basis of this splendid synthesis.
Even if we are very, very far from having completed the work, we would like to thank you all already for your talented contribution to this project! But do not think a moment that your job is over! We will still make you work 🙂 as of now, starting from Koen's superb proposal and Amiel's great computer rendering (Amiel if you read this. Very impressive work! Congratulation and thank you). Knowing Koen, I don't think that he considers this project as finished and I am sure that he will be happy to answer your questions, comments and suggestions.
Let's continue this great project together! In the stage of conception/manufacturing of the moulds and production, you will not all be able to be very active, but we will try to share with you all the various steps as well as possible, with the restrictions mentioned by Koen. But let us not anticipate too much. We are not there yet, even if in our opinion the project marked a turning point towards an extremely promising concretization.
For all of you who are reading this, I remind you that this forum is not a private club and that you are all invited to express yourselves. No need to be an expert! All opinions are important and welcome.

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 6:18 pm  

Thank you all
Patrick 'n Alix, Koen, and all the fine minds who've contributed to this adventure. Watching it unfold was exhilarating.

Illustrious Member
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15/05/2007 6:59 pm  


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