Design Addict


The Design Addict v...

The Design Addict vase project (part 1)  

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James Collins
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09/05/2007 10:15 am  

I love these!
Koen's latest versions:
What about a cone instead of a cylinder?

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09/05/2007 3:31 pm  

Hello all. I really like...
Hello all. I really like where this is going, however I'm a bit sad that Patrick's first idea has disappeared from the drawing board.
But! The new suggestions are great too. I don't think that James' vase is special enough to put our money on it. I find the bullet-shape too ordinary and not monumental enough for what I think the DA vase should be like. It also really reminds me a lot of the West Germany pottery produced in the 1960's and 1970's. And when HP mentioned that the holes could also be star or daisy shaped, my toes crumbled. Sorry, but I think that would put the vase on the same esthetic level as those cheap ceramic vases from Poland my local supermarket sells at around $4. No offense, James and HP, but with all the clever minds present, I'm sure we could make somethng more impressive and "fresh".
I like Koen's last two suggestions. I think the compliment each other, so why not put both into production once they're done ... though the vase to the right stands out somewhat stronger. Koen, how thick a wall would the left vase require to secure the structural strenght and the visual important depth of those shallow circular depressions?
Also, I would still love to have that little extra but incorporating yet another material like the grey stoneware. Perhaps at the bottom?

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09/05/2007 5:22 pm  

Did you see the image of the...
Did you see the image of the Koolhaas ferry terminal project I posted? That is the form I was thinking of, the designs with the deperessions on the side strike me as being difficualt to produce and not very functional, unless the flower stems are very rigid they would flop about.

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09/05/2007 5:22 pm  

Dear Martin,
First of all, it would be a blatant distortion of the facts if this vase (whatever the outcome) would be considered anything but "design by:DA Forum". My role in it is simply to contribute with my skills in sketching, some of my knowledge in the design process and of technical limitations and challenges.
I would leave the depth or height of the concave/convex surfaces open to discussion and also to the stage following a common choice, which is the prototyping. The same thing should be said about the size of the vase. Rightly so, nobody but the initial "Patrick" proposal has indicated size. I think that we should discuss that point when we have made a choice.
As far as the use of two materials is concerned, it is still an option.
I like your idea of making both versions.

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09/05/2007 6:09 pm  

more architecture as vase...
more architecture as vase...

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09/05/2007 6:11 pm  

Dear Heath
As far as production is concerned both proposals are equally difficult/easy to produce.
The right one has a slight advantage in the way the top rim is finished, but even that is marginal.
As far sa the reference to the Koolhaas terminal is concerned, I think it is very interesting but as Martin points out, there are a number of products like that, all more or less derived (Paulanna would say copied) from the Kartell umbrella stand, with round (easy to make) holes. Koolhaas' "windows" are not round and that would I think bring us too close to one of the "Materialise" vases by Dan Yeffet. The good reason behind "Materialise"'s technology for this vase is that it would be extremely difficult to make it other than by SLA technology.

Illustrious Member
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09/05/2007 6:44 pm  

Hello HP. Yep, I saw the...
Hello HP. Yep, I saw the Koolhaas project and I think it's absolutely beautiful. And I agree that you can't keep the small holes vertical, as the flowers would bend out to the side (depending on how high the holes are positioned). So James (and SDR) make a clever solution where the holes are angled slighty upwards by making thevase bullet-shaped to keep the flowers standing upright. Though a lot of its charm would be lost if all the holes should be the same size, right. I really like the vase, don't get me wrong. Both it's shape and function are very simple, precise and easy understandable (which are great qualities!), but I do believe the bar could be raised further for the DA vase.
Yeah, the final vase will be a true DA vase. At the end some would might have prefered other of the many ideas, but the final result is of course chosen by a majority of the people to anticipate actively in this thread and that's how it should be. I'm not that worried that we'll end up with a vase I don't like that much, I'm just glad to have helped this project along. Perhaps this vase is only the first of many furture DA products. I hope so. Weird, it seems today that in order to be considered a true celebrity, one has to have their own perfume or clothing line ... but let's not go that far (though a nice, semi-tight t-shirt with a silkscreened DA logo would be somewhat cool).
I'm still sort of disgesting the new many ideas that sprung to life while I was sick but Koen, would you also have to drill the holes by hand in these two vases? - and if yes, how can that be done accurately enough?

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09/05/2007 7:19 pm  

OK, I spoke too soon!
Man, you sure are a creative bunch. I really like James' perforated cone design, but I worry about it being stable. I, like dcwilson, have cat problems. As for the adaptations of Koen's design that I likes , I still like that first shape better, but perhaps with a smaller top opening along the idea of a cone. I think that will hold long stems up better. Just some end user thoughts.

Patrick - desig...
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15/05/2007 3:14 pm  

Click on the link below to read part 2

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