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De Coene Knoll Bert...

De Coene Knoll Bertoia?  


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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 55
06/03/2012 12:58 pm  

I came accross these two benches at an estate sale. The owner passed away and the children remember that their dad bought them at De Coene, together with 4 diamond chairs, also for sale. 2 white, 2 black with cushions and with obvious signs of age.
First, these benches have 6 and not 8 wooden bars. Also there is a small cross bar in metal in the middle for support. The benches are obviously vintage.
I've heard that De Coene would sometimes adjust Knoll designs for a variety of reasons. But could they have made these benches with 6 instead of 8 bars? Has anyone ever seen anything similar? It seems unlikely that it's De Coene but the owners seem to be convinced...
It's not that they wanna squeeze me out of my money as they're letting em go for practically nothing.

Illustrious Member
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06/03/2012 2:15 pm  

lot's of pieces were custom...
lot's of pieces were custom made by De Coene, almost à 'l improviste! It wouldn't surprise me if these were authentic De Coene. I don't know if they ever made the official model.
Are there other nice items? Area of Kortrijk?

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06/03/2012 3:29 pm  

Thanks bj, I like the bench...
Thanks bj, I like the bench and will probably hold on to one. Besides the four diamond chairs, other items include a Pierre Guariche plastic chair for Meurop and a blue Meurop sofa on high feet with fabric discolored. A vast collection of modern art (Permeke, Pierre Cox,...) is not for sale... No other ceramics or glassware. The house is now sold and is located in the area of Hasselt.

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06/03/2012 4:56 pm  

Yago7, I'm curious how you...
Yago7, I'm curious how you find out about these estate sales. Do you look for interesting interior pictures at immoweb etc and then contact the seller asking them if they also sell the furniture? I live in the same area so this sparks my interest 🙂 Groeten!

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Posts: 55
06/03/2012 10:09 pm  

Good question/idea? Whenever...
Good question/idea? Whenever I spot em I'll look up modernist houses with a for sale sign in the yard. I think most of us have. Although It's an obvious way to hunt for vintage stuff I never got lucky. Many times the probably modernist original furniture had been replaced by hideous pieces. These kinds of homes are rare and almost never on the market. I don't think it would be time well spent trying to track em down on real estate sites.
On 2 occasions I just rang the doorbell of absolutely stunning homes and found walhalla in one. Never even offered the owners to buy their stuff.
The benches in this thread I saw in the kitchen of a house I was interested in buying. I've been in the market for a house for about a year now and found the Braakman sideboard in one. From the outside you would never have guessed it contained any modernist pieces. And these items also weren't on any pictures on the real estate listing. I think there are many gems waiting to be discovered behind the facades of everyday homes. It would be a full time job trying to hunt them down on real estate sites. But I'd be very interested to hear your results should you want to take up the challenge or already have.


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