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Dating an Eames LCW...

Dating an Eames LCW From the Shock Mount  


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17/11/2010 12:19 am  

Does anyone out there know how to date an Eames LCW from the type of backrest shock mount it has? Is there perhaps a book that goes into this sort of detail?

I think I have the basic evolution....

Prototype (1945-ish): Single rectangular mount

Preproduction (1945 - 1946): Two round mounts with metal washers

Early production (1946 - ????): One oval mount

Later production (???? - 2010): Two round mounts

If someone were able to attach dates to these developments, it would be greatly appreciated!

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11/01/2011 8:21 pm  

I know someone here can tell...
I know someone here can me tell where to look for this information. I'm thinking Herman Miller made the switch sometime in the 1970s? Maybe you have an LCW from then and can tell me what sort of shock-mount it has?

Pegboard Modern
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11/01/2011 9:54 pm  

There are no LCWs from the 70s. While the DCM has been in constant production since 1946, Herman Miller discontinued the DCW and LCW in 1953 and 1957. The were reintroduced I believe in 1994.
So your timeline is correct, only with the ??? being the period when they were out of production.

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11/01/2011 11:19 pm  

Thank you so much for the...
Thank you so much for the reply! In all the reading I've done, I never came across that bit of information. So, according to that, single oval shock-mounts should disappear after the early 1950s.
I've seen tables (on Wiki and Design Addict) that list finishes available for LCWs by year. There are several (walnut, rosewood, teak, etc....) that are said to have been offered through the 1960's.
Also, I've come across quite a few LCWs listed on reputable auction sites as dating from the 60s.
Can anyone clarify?
Were LCWs available through the 60s? If so, do you know what sort of shock-mount they had?

Estimable Member
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11/01/2011 11:24 pm  

You may have already seen this, but Eames Office has a vintage Eames question section. They might be able to help!

Illustrious Member
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11/01/2011 11:38 pm  

There is a production chart f...
There is a production chart for the LCW at Wikipedia, but given that it is Wikipedia there is probably no telling how accurate it is (Someone does in fact question the production dates for the Calico Ash options on the chair via a notation on the chart itself).

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12/01/2011 12:34 am  

This will teach me to doubt...
This will teach me to doubt the information given on Design Addict. Not sure how I didn't see it before.....
From the Herman Miller website:
The Eames molded plywood chair, molded plywood lounge chair, and molded plywood coffee table are discontinued. They will be reintroduced in 1994.

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25/01/2011 10:54 pm  

So, I thought my question...
So, I thought my question was answered. Herman Miller's website says the LCW was discontinued in 1957.
Hunting in the slunk skin LCW thread I found this letter from Herman Miller, which says in part:
"As for its date, slunk skin was offered between 1948 and 1953.
From the pictures of the underside of your chair, you have a Herman Miller produced example of the LCW (11 screws, instead of 12), which probably means it was made between 1949 and 1953.
The wood is walnut, which was offered from 1948 to 1958, and again from 1962 to the present."
From this it sounds like LCWs have been available.... always....
How can I settle this question once and for all??


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