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Danish sofa set ID

Danish sofa set ID  

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02/06/2013 4:18 am  

It was your typical Craigslist find. At first it was couple of bad photos and I thought nothing of the set. I had asked for photos if the side and back and that's when I got interested. The person I bought it from was the original owners daughter and she was moving. She was asking $180
For both easy chairs and the sofa. Even though at the time I wasn't sure of the maker I felt bad knowing it was a quality piece so I ended up giving her more than she was asking. As for now, I'll probably work on it as a project, enjoy it for a bit then most likely turn it over down the line.
Kcbrains, how did you come across yours? I didnt see any of the sofas online so it was neat to see yours. I'm not entirely sure how common these pieces actually were. Do you or anybody know the years they were produced?

Estimable Member
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Posts: 97
02/06/2013 8:03 am  

I spotted it
being used with some huge puffy couch cushions on someones front porch a few blocks away. I figured it would be set out as trash soon enough so I kept an eye out for it. A few weeks past until I dove by one day to see the porch empty and the legs sticking out of a trailer full of garbage. I knocked on the door and the lady said 'have at it'
Two spindles had been broken, one I found in the garbage tariler, they just flung it in there. As I dug to try and find the second she came with the matching chair. (I guess it was being used on the back porch) She said I can have that too. The ends of both arms had been chewed off by the dog but it had five spindles I was able to salvage. Unfortunately I had to cut the back of the chair apart to get them but it was too far gone anyway. There was no other damage to the sofa, but the arms needed a lot of sanding.

Estimable Member
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02/06/2013 8:12 am  

They were
just as grey as that. Yummy, right..?

Illustrious Member
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02/06/2013 8:28 am  

is a great story. Would make a good thread, your strangest story.

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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02/06/2013 8:48 am  

Is a great story! And what a difference some tlc can make. How many coats if oil did it take to get back to that orange glow? Haha. That is crazy how gray it once was!
So did you have to take apart the sofa frame to replace the broken spindles from the chair?

Estimable Member
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Posts: 97
02/06/2013 9:31 pm  

Thank you!
It really only takes one coat of linseed oil to bring the colour back once you sand down to fresh wood. I put a hard shine on it burnishing it with Danish oil though.
Theres no way to take the frame of the backrest apart so I drilled the spindle hole in the top rail. With an extra 3/4' in depth I could insert the spindle far enough to clear the bottom rail then drop it in the hole.

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