Design Addict


Danish lamp makers ...

Danish lamp makers mark id  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 34
19/07/2013 10:06 pm  

I found a makers mark on a brass and teak desk lamp- I am assuming it is made in Denmark because it has a capital "D" in a circle stamped in the brass. The other mark is an octagon with letters inside. The letters read "B&???" I can only read the "B&" part- the other letter could be an N or a D? The stamp is pretty small and the letters are in some cursive like scrawl-its hard to identify the second letter. It appears to be from the 50s maybe early 60s.
I'm sorry I don't have a photo at the moment and was hoping someone might recognize the marking by description.
Any help would be lovely.
Thank you in advance.


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