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Danish? Desk ID  


Jenry and the J...
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29/12/2012 4:47 am  

Picked this desk up extremely cheaply. Has a number of repairable flaws, but I didn't want to dig in to it until I knew what it was. I can't find anything exactly like it anywhere. Don't want to find out I mussed up a some valuable 1940's Ole Wanscher.
There's no markings anywhere. Plank wood cabinetry, veneered with what I think is teak.
Square lines and lip around desk top make me think Danish, but the modesty panel seems so American to me.
I'm in the United States, the seller said the desk came from her father's law practice in Chicago. Found a little girl's homework in it from 1964. So, there's that.
All I have are the craigslist seller's photos. Sorry to tacky up the place.
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src="

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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29/12/2012 11:00 am  

That veneer looks a lot like walnut to me. Which would tend to make me think American.

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29/12/2012 8:00 pm  

Looks American. Risom-esque, but not Risom.

Jenry and the J...
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29/12/2012 9:07 pm  

Thank you, that's helpful. I had considered that it might be walnut because of the broad, contrasted grain on the drawer facings. My teak thought was based on it being a bit more red-orangey in person than these pictures, and the side panels and the legs are much more of the narrow, tight grain I associate with teak. I thought perhaps a nice portion of the grain might have been used for the drawing facings.
The only detail I've found where there might have been some kind of a logo, is a square indentation inside the upright portion of the cabinet that the largest drawer slides in to. It looks like there may have been some kind of metal tag pressed in there that has since fallen out. I can't think of any other reason that there's a 1/8 inch deep square indentation on a hidden place where there's nothing to bump it and create an indentation. Though that's probably not very helpful.

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30/12/2012 2:14 am  

My first thought was Founders Furniture Co.
based on a couple of walnut cabinets I had by them with those square-weave cane panels. A friend who is more knowledgeable than I am agreed. I couldn't find many pieces of this style (they made a huge range of stuff and are still in business) online but it could be a starting point for you.
Mine weren't marked either, as I recall.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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30/12/2012 7:39 am  

Walnut vs teak
This image I found is actually a very clear illustration of the difference between teak and walnut.
Edit image is not working. Linking to the page directly.
(edited by DA - picture fixed)


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