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Danish Chairs - Han...

Danish Chairs - Hans Wegner???  


danish nut
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Posts: 104
10/05/2016 6:51 pm  

first time on the forum and already needing help!
I recently bought a couple of danish office/conference chairs in rosewood and leather.....rosewood is somewhat sun bleached. Some of the design aspects look very Wegner like but cant find any marking to confirm. Was wonder if anyone was able to shed light on designer/maker of these lovely chairs?

Illustrious Member
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10/05/2016 7:51 pm  

got any photos?

Illustrious Member
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10/05/2016 10:41 pm  

Wegner rarely used rosewood as the primary wood for his chairs (I think some models like one of the Chinese chairs had a rosewood option). Teak and oak were the main choices during the 40's, 50's, and 60's. "Oregon Pine", which I believe was a marketing term for old-growth Douglas Fir, made special appearances here and there, and wenge was a featured accent wood in a few pieces. Recent re-issues of some chairs have expanded wood options.
Ergo without seeing photos yet, chances are good that 1) the chairs are not Wegner, 2) the wood is not rosewood, or 3) all of the above.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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11/05/2016 1:09 am  

What cdsilva said. Especially about Wegner not using rosewood. Same for Mogensen. It is an interesting phenomenon. Naively, one would assume that the more prominent the design the more expensive and exotic the wood. That naive idea is pretty much completely wrong. You see rosewood used more in designs from less prominent designers or in-house designs and less prominent countries. I believe logically that you have to understand it as a compensation for a lack in a different area.
As Paul Simon said: The poor boy changes clothes, and puts on after-shave, to compensate for his ordinary shoes.


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