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Damned Eames Chair

Damned Eames Chair  


Illustrious Member
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09/03/2016 3:16 pm  

Last night the back mounts on my DCM desk chair failed. Curses, I say, CURSES! Damn you, cruel world. Oh, the suffering...

Illustrious Member
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28/08/2014 11:15 pm  

Vintage and original? How old?

Famed Member
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28/08/2014 11:26 pm  

What'll you do then, object?...
What'll you do then, object? Tackle that repair yourself or send it off to a pro?

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2014 12:06 am  

It's thirty-forty-some years old, I figure. Walnut. The black and silver metal rectangle label with softened corners.
It's not yet totally separated but just hanging on at the top, very bendy feeling.
Thankfully I have a mate to it buried in my closet and I'm not exactly going to be chairless...
From what I've read about this in the past, people try all kinds of goop and none of it works. I've always been afraid of super glue, but maybe I'll go buy some.
Most convenient would be a magic wand. Actually, I'd prefer a time machine, if given the choice. For now I'll probably ignore it and hope it goes away, which is the technique I generally employ with my automobile.
Shock mounts are like timing belts

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2014 12:53 am  

Is it the shock mount(s) or the epoxy, or both?
Recommended epoxies have been mentioned numerous times on here.

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2014 1:19 am  

Scotchweld 1838 or...
Scotchweld 1838 or PC-something or other
edit- it's a shame the stuff can't be bought by the tablespoon

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2014 3:23 am  

Depends on the condition of the mounts.
If the rubber has sheared off, leaving any part of the mount still attached to the panel, it's time for new ones.
The only really tedious part is removing the residue from the panel before gluing the new mounts on with PC-7.

Illustrious Member
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09/03/2016 1:05 am  

Krazy Glue seems to do the trick! Clean and quick
It's been holding for over a couple good months now and seems rock solid, even supports an unwitting stocky person putting entire weight on back of chair to exit, to my curious horror/satisfaction

Illustrious Member
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09/03/2016 2:20 am  

Old thread?
- 01 Jan 1970 -
Aunt Mark
ps Hi.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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09/03/2016 4:58 am  

Jan 01 1970 was the beginning of the era. Anything earlier was BCE which stands for Before Computer Era.

Illustrious Member
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09/03/2016 3:11 pm  

I was a scrubbed well dressed 2nd grader at the time (1970) selling my mothers cigarettes at the bus stop. The School bus driver usually had a Zippo. It was a gentle time.
carry on,
Aunt Mark
(edit) maybe I'm wrong about the date. Sorry. Hi. Next?
ps. I'm mostly glad that objects repair is doing well. Don't forget to feed the birds.

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14/03/2016 7:19 pm  

Since this thread has been revived, I'll share my findings:
I've got a mix of both OG DCWs and newer HM DCW/Ms. These are "beater" status chairs and get used hard/often. I've tried just about every logical adhesive ... titebond III, urethanes, various epoxies from 3m and Devcon, construction adhesive, and so on.
The ONLY adhesive which has not failed is 3m 5200 marine adhesive. Home Depot sells it in white, but Amazon and M-Carr has it in black. Be winner, use 5200. Better yet, buy something other than a DCM/DCW.

Illustrious Member
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14/03/2016 8:07 pm  

Everything will fail, given enough time
tick tock
I have found that it's important to not over tighten the back bolts- let the bolts do the work, not the mounts/adhesive.
tick tick tick tick tick tick

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15/03/2016 3:33 pm  

I'm being hopelessly optimistic with this 3M 5200. I was informed by a yachting friend that it's "best for laminating parts you wish to have never have come apart, and if you do decide you need to take said parts apart, you'll wish you never used 5200". It cures to a somewhat flexible elastomer, which I suspect is why it works better than any of the standard issue epoxies ... epoxies don't like to move. I should note that I'm using the later bushings, which have the large metal pad on the gluing surface. I've got one chair going 3 years strong with near daily use.
This said, after 8 years of near constant DCW/DCM repair, I'm considering getting some solid oak stumps for my dining seat.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2016 5:21 pm  

I had the most beat up DCM ever. Someone had stapled shag rug on as a cover. The mounts were shot. Dinged up. I used PC-7 epoxy and it seems to work fine. The chair gets used alot and no issues.


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