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Consumer survival t...

Consumer survival tips, please?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 406
16/09/2007 9:19 pm  

Anyone had experience with securing a refund, rather than "store credit," from the online vendor Hive Modern? Any guidance, ideas appreciated.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
16/09/2007 9:22 pm  

I would demand my money b...
I would demand my money back

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
17/09/2007 1:11 am  

Everyone should read their store policy
I looked over the store policy and surprised to see the harsh percentages of money(25%-50%) you lose if you cancel an order after 24 hours. I see a lot of the modern shops only giving store credit on returns. What is the nature of your return?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 406
17/09/2007 6:33 am  

Thanks for asking. It's the "Leaf" lamp from Herman Miller. A sad disappointment once you get it out of the box, IMHO. Hailed (I guess) because it's supposed to be easy to recycle, but it comes with a weird surface finish, uninviting/harsh illumination, a klutzy control system... I've seen a few lamps in my time, and this has a strangely slapped-together, last-minute feeling. Five hundred dollars?!! No thanks. I don't get it. See Sapper's old Tizio design, or the new Halley, for something more presentable in the same price range.
Or... OK, I'm willing to learn. Can someone explain to me what I'm missing, please? Rant over.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
17/09/2007 7:13 am  

I have a account with Herm...
I have a account with Herman Miller and looked at the lamp, at first i thought it was cool but even for what i would have to pay for it I did not want it,
I did like the style but the mechanism bugged me, tell them you want your money back NOW and no jacking around or your million friends on DA will boycott the HIVE and buy at other places, the only thing with them i think they call HM and order as the orders come in
I doubt they stock anything,

Big Television Man
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18/09/2007 1:53 am  

It's their policy.
Regrettably their policy is for store credit only unless the merchandise is in some way defective. The only other way that you might be able to secure an actual cash refund is by making an incredible pest of yourself or if you have a legitimate complaint that the item turned out to be something other then as represented on the website. The unfortunate reality of modern commerce here in America is that most retailers just plain don't give a d**n about you the consumer. Most have the attitude that you can take it or leave it and if you don't like it, tough. There are of course a few notable exceptions, LL Bean for one has a 100% satisfaction guarantee for the life of the item. They are amazing, in fact for casual wear they are hard to beat. But a lot of companies sadly just don't care. American quality and attention to detail used to be world class and the envy of the world, now the truth is, most other countries' manufacturing concerns are "eating our lunch" unless of course you include morbid obesity as an export item, then we are second to none. Good luck!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
18/09/2007 8:08 am  

Big Television Man
the big tv man is right they don't give a crap or they would be treating you better , i called those folks once and i did not like them (stupid name) bug the hell out of them !!!!!
tell them the lamp flickers and you don't like it, tell them you will call Herman Miller in Zealand. I can get you a special number from one of my friends at the company and tell them they are doing a dis service to your company and to Herman Miller and when you finish with them they will be lucky to sell knockoffs from China, take no crap from them I know you want to be nice but that is ridiculous that they should have their rules, you have rules too not to buy merchandise form shitty people plain and simple!!!!!!, I have no patience for those type of people who think they are big shots cause they have a few accounts with majors , hey I can get the dam thing for you for around 300 cost, but i would not want it, good luck,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 406
18/09/2007 4:39 pm  

Call off the lynch mob, guys!
Thanks for your concern, folks. The lamp was a gift, so I don't want to make too big an issue out of it. I'm exchanging it for a couple of other items I've wanted for a long time, and moving on with my life.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
18/09/2007 10:40 pm  

good for you geo
good for you geo

Big Television Man
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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 388
18/09/2007 10:59 pm  

Moving on also works, cause...
Moving on also works, cause in the end life is way too short. The DA forum is a great resource. In fact before I buy anything of a modernist bent, I always check in here to see what the expierences of other DA's might be reagrding a particular merchant or product. I look to see if info can be found in one of the earlier threads before making an online purchase. The insights of this group, (LRF, SDR Koen, whitespike, james collins, vivienne, I could go on but there are far too many to list actually) their experience, and knowledge make it a "modern" resource second to none. By reading between the lines in the unvarnished democracy of a collective such as the DA forum (and factoring in the extremes "pro and con" of various posts) the "truth" of a merchant or product tends to come through loud and clear. With the DA forum as your North Star, you'll always find what your looking for, or at the very least make informed choices. Cheers! P,S I'm not shilling for P&A, I just think they've done a great job here.


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