Design Addict


Congratulations DWR...

Congratulations DWR.  


Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 166
18/10/2009 6:05 am  

Was in a studio today and was told that Ray Brunner was fired this past week. They finally figured it out...guess time will tell if this makes any difference in the company.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1721
18/10/2009 8:42 am  

I guess I'm not surprised.
Funny, though, that I can't find any press releases about it. DWR isn't required to file SEC reports anymore, so I guess they don't HAVE to tell anyone... But wouldn't they WANT to?

chewbacca rug (USA)
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Posts: 230
19/10/2009 1:23 am  

not verified.
if true, this could be both good and bad..... constant turmoil and turnover at the top levels is never good for a company. and in this day and age of private equity ownerships, no one really has a clue what they are doing and do not understand the businesses they own.
private equity firms could give two rips about the companies they own,,, their aim is to make a profit either by re-selling or taking on lots of debt in the name of the company and paying themselves fees, recouping the initial investment and then bailing.
so if brunner has been fired, it could just be another chapter in their death throes.... not a solution to problems or an indication everything is better.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2358
19/10/2009 7:57 am  

There is an old rule-of-thumb in organizations...
Once it has an incompetent leader, that leader will be followed by an evil one.
And vice versa.
Once it has an evil one, an incompetent will follow.
It is a vicious circle that prevents good leaders from ever getting back in control. It often brings the downfall of the organization.
I have found this heuristic accurate a disturbingly high percentage of the time.

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 58
21/10/2009 9:38 am  

Won't make a difference in th...
Won't make a difference in the short term. Close unprofitable studios, cut the crap (Tools for Living), focus on your core, work to grow trade customers - take it easy, wait for economic rebound, then expand


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