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Coffee table ID  

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Trusted Member
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17/07/2008 10:53 pm  

Saw this on craigslist, like the shape. Can anyone ID? It won't work in my home, but if it's worth something perhaps I could resell and get someting that will.

It looks very well made. If it is solid teak it is certainly worth $20


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18/07/2008 3:32 am  

come on
it's $20 (twenty), & you want people here to help you out before committing to such an expensive purchase? you want somebody to tell you in advance that it's a valuable piece?
I mean, I'm sure you can ask $750 on 1stdibs, but......sorry for ranting, but this kind of "help me strike it rich without doing any real work" mentality pisses me off......

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18/07/2008 4:49 am  

what do you mean by real work?
I am new to MCM so I I am trying to learn. Yes I would like to find something valuable that I could resell. But not for the sole purpose of profit. I want to collect some nice pieces on a limited budget and would like to parlay a profit to a piece better suited for my home. Not everyone here has the time or budget to collect the fancy shit you talk about here.
I will NEVER pay over $1000 for some collectible piece that is not who I am or how I live.
I am a stay at home mom of 2 kids. The $20 dollar piece means setting up an appointment across town, lugging them along, and possibly a return trip without carseats or renting a truck. My husband is frequently out of town, meaning I would also have to hire a sitter. I do not have time for casual scouting, estate sales, and the like, the internet is where I do that. I barely have time to shower. I have done all the internet research I could about this piece and didn't find any.
No my house is not a beautiful MCM showplace of pricey items, but that doesn't mean I cannot appreciate them and try to acquire some on a limited budget.
I found this place because I am excited about modern design. I appreciate good design. I don't know of many people in the middle of the corn in Illinois who do. But this type of arrogance is what turns people off. Like the mention in the thread about carpet referring to most of America as lazy for going to HOme Depot and the like.
How is my post any different than others of a similar nature? If you don't like these kinds of post than don't read them.

Prominent Member
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18/07/2008 5:13 am  

As much as I've tried to avoid contributing to this topic
(not the table ID, the other one), it continually amazes me how so many people here are so quick to slam and judge people asking questions, as if the mere asking of the question is offensive to their oh-so-delicate sensibilities! As though somebody were standing next to them, physically restraining them so they could not avoid hearing the question being asked, and then demanding that they provide an answer! Yes, that is how some here appear when they respond in threads that they don't like or think is wasting their time.
Hey! I have news for some of you! You don't HAVE to read all the threads, and NOBODY is forcing you to answer any questions!! Really, you can choose to just answer within your little clique, that's fine, but you don't need to ridicule anyone else who wants to answer, or try to intimidate those who have the guts to ask questions in this envirnoment!
Why the hell does it matter what the price is or any thing else (except to the potential buyer/seller) in order to answer a question? It's very simple, you either recognize the table or you don't; if you do, you could perhaps post what you know; if not, then just don't post anything -- in fact, if the question offends you, just don't ever click on the thread again! I mean, really. These threads that you don't like are not somehow excluding you from participating in the threads you DO like, it's not like there's an either/or situation going on, this is a FORUM for chrissakes, discussion at the rate the individual chooses.
Most people who post questions for identification of a piece, are really not expecting that the readers are going to run to the library or other resources and start pouring through catalogues in order to help them (although some will and do, but that's their choice) - the idea is that some readers here might just KNOW what something is because they have run into it in the past. Is it really *that* offensive to ask such questions? I mean, REALLY? If so, then remind me, what's the point of a (ahem) "discussion" board?
Why should the OP feel she needs to justify her question to any of you?
GAWD, the frikken stuck up mentality around here is just beyond belief!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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18/07/2008 5:39 am  

I agree
If it's solid teak, I would buy it for $20. A bit of sanding and oil, and it should look lovely. You could resell or save it for later. Sorry I can't help with the id.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
18/07/2008 5:53 am  

THe top is veneered I'm...
The top is veneered I'm sure, and very stained and damaged. A lot of work in cleaning that up.
If you look closely you can see where the octagonal framework of solid timber is visible on the outer edge and where the layer of ply has been glued over...(this is what it looks like to me), that alone tells you much.
I would pass.

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Posts: 52
18/07/2008 6:17 am  

Thank you
That's all I wanted. I looked close at the pic and couldn't tell. If solid, then very easy to clean-up. If not, well.
I'm a newbie here and not knowledgeable at all. I just ask to be treated with kid gloves. I like this place because I would venture to guess that if I mentioned Eames to anyone I know, they would have no idea who he is. This is an outlet for me to learn and get excited about design.
I can regognize quailty in person not so well from pics. I did score a Dux chair for $5. A kind person here ID's after I purchased and also led me to a place documenting how to recover. That was wonderful, and an example of the internet at its best. IMHO.
Now the Dux chair is maybe not my first choice in a chair, but I love the fact that I found it for cheap (budget friendly) and will keep it. Isn't some of the fun in acquiring MCM furnishings, etc, in the process of the "find?"
As for trying to profit. I saw a Heywood Wakefield end table on craigslist listed for $20. Similar items sell for 200+. I never got it, it sold to someone else, but I really wanted to tell the seller about it's value and pass.
If there is a more pedestrian design forum similar to this one - perhaps more geared toward interior design - I would love to know about it.
Sorry for all the ranting in the previous post.

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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18/07/2008 6:40 am  

Get this table its quite smart...and kid proof...the form calls out to be painted...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
18/07/2008 7:01 am  

other forums
Dorieg: is quite good for basic midcentury modern design ideas and ID questions and not as, uh, cerebral as what you may find here. The US ebay forums are also quite good at answering ID questions. (I'm not familiar with other countries' ebay sites, they may also be good). However, you will never find on those discussion sites the exquisite links that these guys find: Arts & Architecture cover prints for sale; Duncan Gowdy's artwork critique responded to by no less than the artist, himself; design and construction analyzed in minutiae, and on and on and on.
If you are asking an honest opinion and not trying to pull someone's leg, you will find it here and be welcome here. BTW, I have never seen your table anywhere and have no idea who made it, but I question that it is teak, it looks lighter to me. Possibly maple or fruitwood?

Prominent Member
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18/07/2008 7:16 am  

One need only go read the "removing dents in forum" thread to get an idea of how cerebral this place can be.
It may be something, but cerebral isn't what I'd call it.
(I have to edit this to say that there are some very cerebral posters here, and I appreciate them very much - so no offense to them - I'm just mocking the ones who *think* they are but clearly wouldn't know the difference. Great, now I'm sure to have pissed everyone off. Again.)

Illustrious Member
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18/07/2008 7:44 am  

Eaaasy, dots, eaaasy now. It doesn't take much to get you riled, does it? One little MICROSCOPIC observation and you're off to the races! I believe I was addressing my remarks to dorieg.

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Posts: 52
18/07/2008 7:48 am  

Funny I guess
this did turn into an interesting discussion about the forum. I do appreciate all the the things discussed here. Sorry about the reference to "fancy shit". The knowledge of the posters is incredible.
I guess I have been guilty of trying to score a home run with a craigslist find after a few other lucky finds. Really, I like the table and its form, if it is indeed well made I might just paint it and hand it off to the kiddos. It could be a very attractive kids table. Teak, probably not, maple maybe.
And yes, I love Apt. Therapy. lots of budget friendly and smart ideas there.
Thanks for all the comments.

Prominent Member
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Posts: 169
18/07/2008 7:51 am  

LOL Riki
You're lucky I like you for some odd reason.
And you want me to rant about the impossibility of "butting" into a forum discussion?
Nah, I'm not that easily provoked, contrary to (I suppose) popular opinion.

Prominent Member
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18/07/2008 7:58 am  

Dammit dorieg, please don't apologize
Who the hell CARES what these (fake) snobs say about "trying to profit" from reselling stuff?!
HELLO?? Um, how many designers would be in business if they weren't prostituting themselves by (gasp!) SELLING their services (oh my!)
WTF is wrong with buying low and selling high? Hmmmmm?? Why would you apologize for that?
Appreciating design and wanting to survive financially are NOT mutually exclusive endeavors!
Sorry. The forum is just too slow some days. (too bad there are no emoticons in this forum - I worry that my sense of humor is lost on many)

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1395
18/07/2008 8:02 am  

Gee, thanks
Gee, thanks, dots, I feel really special now.

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