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Charles Bunnell Pai...

Charles Bunnell Paintings...?  


Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 327
21/08/2013 12:32 am  

Hi. Yeah. I've got more... These paintings were behind the 80's print, and I forgotten about them too...:) Actually they're painted over silkscreen. These look like something that would fit here. (now that I know you don't only discuss furniture). They measure 23" x 29" in the frames. The scene is pretty neat. I like shapes, and how everything is clear. And the hint of blue. I found a little on Bunnell, but nothing about these particular examples. Any ideas..?

Reputable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 100
21/08/2013 2:08 am  

Wrong Bunnell
Fairly sure this one is James Bunnell, not Charles. Charles was more abstract painting. James was a California artist that did prints. I prefer the work of Charles to James but beauty is in the eye holding a bee or somethin'.
These are serigraphs not paintings. Some may have been hand colored. I think they would have had a label of some kind that said "Mission Hand Prints of California". Have you had them apart, there may be a publisher or even possibly a hand signature or numbering behind the mat?
EDIT: P.S. eBay is full of misattributions for artist and this one is no exception, there are several James Bunnell prints out there with Charles Bunnell in the title. (doveryai, no proveryai)

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 327
21/08/2013 3:37 am  

Well that's cool...
Thank you. I really appreciate the help...:) It means a lot! I'll see what I can find out. I haven't had them apart. There's a sticker on the back that says: Hand Painted Silk Screened Econolite Art Creation Los Angeles CA. But I got thrown for a loop when it said they were both hand painted and silk screened. Was kinda stumped as to what they actually were. And someone did tell me Charles. Probably why I couldn't find anything at all.


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