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Cars - name your mo...

Cars - name your most despised  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
15/11/2007 8:16 am  

Chevy Cavaliers--every year...
It really has to be some kind of record. I think the Cav has been made since the 80s and there has never been one that was not poorly proportioned, ugly in its details, lacking in appropriate highlight lines, and generally tasteless.
No other ugly car has ever been ugly for so long in so many iterations.
My first runner up would be ANY Ford, GM, or Chrysler car made within 3 years of the 5 mph bumper standard. Those initial bumpers made even decent looking cars obscene.
My second runner up would be the Clenet.
Third runner up: Pontiac Aztek.
Fourth runner up: current Chevy Avalanche.
Fifth runner up: 1962 Plymouth Valiant.
Sixth runner up: 70s Ford Mustang II Ghia Notchback

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
16/11/2007 12:58 am  

The Chevy
Cunte-Marlo (I mean, Monte Carlo, sorry) from about five years ago was hideous from any angle. Sort of shapeless and soft with nothing resolved at all. Wierd.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
16/11/2007 2:41 am  

Would you like water with that?
Its true Stephen, we do take ourselves too seriously. And as evidence I present yet another monstrousity that was eaten up by the American market without any sense of irony: The Dodge Neon.
My favorite blurb about these WalMart quality cars came from Consumer Reports - which detailed how the rear brakelight often has a gap in the casing causing them to FILL UP WITH WATER during rainstorms. Another great quote from an owner was how, when he hit 50mph the car started shimmying and sounded "like a piggy bank full of change".

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
16/11/2007 2:47 am  

The latest
Malibu, being introduced now, looks for all the world like a Japanese mid-line sedan with some extra chrome (they make a deal of the plated door handles). A few years ago, you couldn't even find the Chevy "bow-tie" logo on the car -- and other GM brands were sticking new insignia on their sedans that could be mistaken for an off-shore logo: random oval or circular dingbats with no recognizable brand indication. I'd swear they were trying hard to disguise their GM parentage. . .

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