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Cars - name your mo...

Cars - name your most despised  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
07/11/2007 4:24 pm  

Hideous Hummer
Oh hell....I completely forgot about the most hideous, tacky, and low-crass "upscale" vehicle I've ever seen; the GM Hummer. It's the height of bas taste for GM to make a "consumer' version of a war vehicle.
It's the "Dancing With The Stars" version of a such bad taste.
Middle American low class bad taste strikes again. (I wonder if you can get it fitted with a revolving gun on the top....)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
08/11/2007 12:08 am  

A tie
Ugliest car? A tie between the Toyota Echo and the Pontiac Aztec. When I look at both I'm reminded of the first proverb of the Tao Te Ching: When we call something beautiful, we must also call something ugly.
Echo: Its short and stubby, awkwardly leaning forward like it's just tripped on a shoelace. Those wheels were stolen from a toy wagon and the backside looks like the bastard child of a sedan and a hatchback.
Aztek: Looks like 17 designers each picked a piece of the car out of a hat to work on. The hood vents have no relationship to the grill, which has no relationship to the side doors, which have no relationship to the brake-lights.

Estimable Member
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08/11/2007 2:10 am  

Beat me to it
LuciferSum, you beat me to it.
The Toyota Echo is easily one of the most unforgiveably hideous vehicles on the road. I don't care how affordable or economical it is to drive, it's an eyesore that needs to be banned from the road, as a protection for those of us with more impeccable and refined tastes.
That said, i still have a sincere and fond affection for American Motors' much-maligned Pacer.
Go figure.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
08/11/2007 2:27 am  

compared to the Hummer
Compared to the hideous Hummer, the Echo and Aztec are beautiful cars.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 576
08/11/2007 4:54 am  

Famous quote from I don't know who...
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the general public".BTW,Speaking of Hummers,I like Conan O'Brien's ad slogan for Hummer Cologne..."In case driving one doesn't make you a big enough A-Hole"

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 6:42 am  

yellow thing is a Pontiac Aztec -- gone and forgotten. The joke was that the dealers were hiding this one at the back of the lot.
Perhaps the only thing wrong with the Pacer is the proportion -- it was "America's first WIDE small car." But maybe the "greenhouse" is just too tall -- and I like lots of glass. (Remember your first impression of the BMW 1600 - 2002 two-door ?)

Illustrious Member
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08/11/2007 5:54 pm  

Most despised? Any 4WD (SUV)...
Most despised? Any 4WD (SUV) not owned by a farmer

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
08/11/2007 6:29 pm  

The Pacer
In terms of simple design, the Pacer was a swell looking car.
At least they were trying for something different.
My brother had one at the time and he loved it.

Estimable Member
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08/11/2007 10:53 pm  


Modern Love
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 947
08/11/2007 11:25 pm  

I'm not a fan....
of anything "pimped".

Estimable Member
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09/11/2007 1:18 am  


Active Member
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14/11/2007 5:24 pm  

Toyota prius
why would you take a concept which has the potential to revolutionise the car world and put it in such a hideously unappealing packaging. i realise that it is supposed to look 'futuristic' and make us visualise a perfect carbon free future world, but instead its just terrible, uninspired and looks dated through its effort to look futuristic.

Noble Member
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15/11/2007 12:19 am  

be careful - olive might read this
Olive, our enviro-nazi friend might see this and take umbrage at your criticism of the Prius 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
15/11/2007 12:31 am  

Without meaning to cause too much ruckus, nor a debate on scientific fact, I think it is a huge disrespect to apply the term Nazi to anything other than actual Nazi's. A strong belief in environmentalism in no ways deserves to be compared to such a heinous attempted genocide.
On topic: Prius is damn ugly, but holy shit have you ever seen how much stuff you can cram into one of those things? I mean, its like a bottomless pit. I once fit 3 pieces of luggage, a passenger, and an antique china cabinet into one and still had room to see out the back.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 279
15/11/2007 4:13 am  

sorry LuciferSum
I forgot how damn serious you Americans are. And how seriously you all take yourselves. I hereby retract the term Enviro-Nazi and replace it with Enviro-fascist.

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