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Cars - name your mo...

Cars - name your most despised  

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kdc (USA)
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06/11/2007 3:49 pm  

hey forum folk. this might be a fun addendum to the "favorite car design" thread now being woven.

i know there's plenty of ugly stuff out there, so list 'em here just for kicks. what the heck.

how 'bout the pacer? not the worst, but certainly warrants an appearance on the list.

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 4:28 pm  

Fiat Multipla. Yuck!!!
Fiat Multipla. Yuck!!!

Honorable Member
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06/11/2007 4:53 pm  

yuck indeed
I was thinking the same thing !

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 5:07 pm  

wow...butt ugly
Never saw that hideous car before. Luckily, it was never imported in the US.
My pick? Honda ugly box on wheels. (can't find a picture of it, I believe it was redesigned...)

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 8:33 pm  

My pick-any SUV
After all, SUV = Stupid,Ugly Vehicle ;but they have a saving grace-in that they sure are useful for picking up your mid-century furniture purchases 🙂

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 9:53 pm  

Any SUV?
How original. They do have their functions. The answer is not abolishing it. It's redesigning it.
As a musician, I can't really haul my equipment around in a Mini.

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 10:20 pm  

Sorry to offend any SUV owners but...
I was just venting,because us people in regular cars are often surrounded by these fat-assed things,and often cannot see anything ahead because of a cel phone yakking SUV driver in the high speed lane doing 45MPH.More concerned with chatting with their friends than driving their 6200 lb hulking gas seldom see a directional during a lane change,as they do not have a free hand to work the bleedin signal lever.Sorry,I guess I've had too many a close call with these idiots.Anyhow,I do not mean to condemn every SUV driver,but typical case of a few jerks casting an aspersion on the entire genre.

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 10:50 pm  

If you think driving around and SUV is bad, try riding a bicycle around one. I think the SUV has become more of a status than a utility. Where I live(Santa Cruz, CA, USA) I see mostly women in SUVs and they all seem to be on cell phone not looking around them when driving. I have a friend(mother of one) who purchased an SUV to make family life easier, but she can hardly get groceries in and out of the back.

Illustrious Member
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06/11/2007 10:55 pm  

For one thing ? your problem...
For one thing ? your problem would be improved if SUV drivers who do not need the cargo space ? who drive it just bc ? would get cars instead. I know the type you speak of, but you can't put everyone in the same light. Why don't we just go on making generalities about gays, blacks and women while we're at it.
Sorry to go overboard - and I am not saying you are this person - but I have met one too many pinko yuppies that bitch about SUVs simply bc it's popular to bitch about.
In addition - it isn't only SUV drivers that cause problems on the road due to cellphones. That is people in general in any type of vehicle.

peter osullivan
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07/11/2007 1:25 am  

If the main reason for having...
If the main reason for having a SUV is for cargo space there are much better solutions, the 4wd system (which is not required during most driving) puts a big dent into your economy, even with drivetrains that can switch between 2wd and 4wd you've still got heavy differentials and propshaft to lug around, when you factor in large engines, wide tyres and bluff aerodynamics its not a great combo
Although pretty ugly looking the Multipla above is cavernous inside yet its footprint is pretty much the same as a small hatchback and has similar MPG, if your moving a lot of gear around modern vans are very impressive, I recently had to collect some furniture from Brighton I hired a new Ford Transit form a local place, it was a really good steer and it returned better MPG than my VW Golf! 🙂
On the subject of ugly cars check out this beauty at the Monaco Auto Show

Illustrious Member
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07/11/2007 1:48 am  

Mine is 2WD.
What is...
Mine is 2WD.
What is difference in getting a van than and suv ... except the social tag applied to it?

Illustrious Member
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07/11/2007 1:53 am  

I love cars and have ...
I love cars and have owned some great ones
I got my new lexus 470 suv after special ordering it in midnight blue from Japan and it took 9 weeks .
cause for some reason you have to special order that color.
Any way it drives like a bat at hell I cannot believe how smooth and quiet the Japaneses have that car down,
I traded off a Porsche cayanee suv a great looking car just a lousy ride and bummer wheels making it crappy
It is a shame the Porsche could not figure out how to get a good ride out of this heap of Junk
The service adviser told me they goofed on this one making the engins underpowered for the heavy chassis
But my motto Live and Learn,

peter osullivan
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07/11/2007 2:25 am  

What is difference in getting...
What is difference in getting a van than and suv ... except the social tag applied to it?
I'd say about an extra 20mpg

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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07/11/2007 10:28 am  

SUV size
When I think of "The evil SUV", I'm thinking of a Chevy Suburban, Lincoln Navigator, or something similiar in size. There are many smaller SUV's that are great and the same size as a Minivan or chubby truck. A Minivan(and some of the compact SUVs) is nice and drivers sit closer to the ground with everyone in the smaller cars. A lot of the USA made SUVs of the past/present were gas guzzling and monster size, thus giving anything with the name "Sport Utility" a bad rap.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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07/11/2007 10:36 am  

I totally agree with everything you said. I think it's not the bad car, it's the bad driver. Just to confirm my position, I'm no yuppie, I'm white trash.

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