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Can anyone identify...

Can anyone identify my table  


justine (UK)
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13/05/2010 3:07 am  

Help for a novice please 🙂

I am very new to all this and have no idea where to start to identify this - i have searched the web but while there are tables of similar shape and style theres nothing quite like it.

Does anyone know how old it night be and who designed it?

My thoughts are that its from the 50's due to the shape and leg style. There are no markings that i can see.

I bought it from a charity shop a number of years ago... Very fashionable at the moment... everyone likes it now where they hated it when i got it!

Thanks for any help offered... its appreciated.
[IMG] [/IMG]

[IMG] [/IMG]

justine (UK)
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13/05/2010 3:08 am  

ops i seem to haver not...
ops i seem to haver not posted the pictures properly

justine (UK)
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18/05/2010 8:31 pm  

Just wondered if anyone knew...
Just wondered if anyone knew anywhere i could find out about my table... perhaps I'm not on the correct type of forum?

Illustrious Member
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18/05/2010 8:59 pm  

I think you're in the right forum, Justine
But I, for one, have never seen this table before. I'm not even sure if I understand the design--
Is the design painted on the underside of the glass (?) or is it on the piece that the four tapered legs are screwed onto, with clear glass sitting atop? Does the painted-design seem to be professionally applied, or do you think a talented amateur painted it on after manufacture?
When I first saw it, the design of the top read as a "new" homage to midcentury-design to me (the white paint appears to be very bright), but the legs appear to be vintage. A photo of the underside (where the legs attach to the top) might be enlightening--

justine (UK)
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18/05/2010 10:03 pm  

Its not white its a mirror...
Its not white its a mirror which is on the underside of the glass, its all on the glass - looks like it was done at manufacture, but i really wouldnt know. sorry i see now that the pictures should be more detailed. Il go take a few more and you can see. Il take one of the underside too.

justine (UK)
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18/05/2010 10:22 pm  

here are some more pics
the legs as you will see are fixed to a wooden table base. The mirror though is the underside of the glass. Having looked at it i do think it was put on during manufacture.
Your helps rezally appreciated! I would just like some idea of where its from or how old it might be.
Many thanks

Illustrious Member
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18/05/2010 10:26 pm  

I am stumped, Justine,
I've never seen anything like it before. Did you find it in America?

justine (UK)
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18/05/2010 10:31 pm  

Sorry here are the pics
Sorry here are the pics

justine (UK)
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18/05/2010 10:32 pm  

No it was in a charity shop...
No it was in a charity shop in the UK

Robert Leach
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19/05/2010 1:01 am  

seen these with several different designs on the top..
I was always a little cautious thinking they might possibly be 80s made to look 50s

Illustrious Member
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19/05/2010 7:32 am  

That seems plausible-- a 1980's nod to the 50's
It has a pastiche quality about it-- the shape & bold graphic SCREAM "1950's!" and yet... it's not quite believable.

justine (UK)
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20/05/2010 1:04 am  

I would say that the mirror...
I would say that the mirror looks old. The edges are like old fashioned mirrors, where it comes away a little. sort of pils around the edge.
I will bow to your wisdom and i suppose il never get to the bottom of it then!
Thanks very much for your comments.

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2010 5:38 pm  

A couple of idle opinions aren't necessarily gospel--
Since nobody recognized your table, your initial post failed to elicit a response. When you asked a second time, I for one felt more inclined to venture an educated guess, in lieu of deafening silence.
Keep searching-- I've had surprising luck over the years just looking through Google Images, after entering plausible keywords, in identifying mystery furniture. Even if it turns out to be a table produced in 1985, at least you'll know for sure. As an added bonus, the search process will be informative in itself.


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