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Bubble lamp brouhah...

Bubble lamp brouhaha  


Norman Chaney
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Posts: 85
29/12/2013 4:33 pm  

Modernica is being taken to court about their bubble lamps.
I had noticed Modernica no longer has the chrome Eiffel base. Their Eiffel bases now match the color of the shell. I wonder if that's related.,0,2502014.story#axzz2orz7seHu

Prominent Member
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29/12/2013 4:54 pm  

"In a 1952 issue of Everyday Art Quarterly, an article states Nelson did not design the Bubble lamps. The article credits William Renwick, an associate in Nelson's firm, for the design."
That's a shock.

Illustrious Member
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29/12/2013 7:38 pm  

It't about time....
What a blessing it would be if Modernica stopped filling up the world with fake bubble lamps.
(And fake clocks. And fake shells. And lets not forget the god awful and never seen before ridiculous "anything goes" manifestations of the Eames storage units)
Modernica talks a lot about authenticity when it comes to the original Eames shell press, but then proceeds to fabricate outright horrid and impossible variations of other Eames designs when it suits them.
No true design standards whatsoever.
So if they are now creating "Eames" bases in colors that match the shells, it does not surprise me. The knock off slope is indeed slippery.

Illustrious Member
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29/12/2013 11:11 pm  

Anyone who was paying attention
would have seen this coming two years ago:

Illustrious Member
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30/12/2013 5:49 am  

good info Fastfwd...
I bought a pair of repro cat's cradle bases from Modernica a few years back, and ever since then I have not been very motivated to pay much attention to them. We all have to spend our time on the learning curve I guess.
The lawsuit and the bigger issues raised in it are of course quite interesting, and I look forward to the day when the "grey area" of casual association that places like Modernica thrive on is substantially reduced.
I would not expect to see Frank posting here anytime soon. (After all, what could he say at this point, besides some blather about his right to make a buck, and bring "good design" to more people at a reasonable price blah blah blah....)


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