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Breuer Cesca, Knoll...

Breuer Cesca, Knoll Version  


Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
10/07/2008 3:45 am  

Hey guys,
Does the Knoll version of Breuer's Cesca bring good prices on ebay? (I look at completed listings and couldn't find any). I know this design is in the public domain and incredibly common, but I've got an opportunity to purchase a few in ebonized black for about $70 each (cheaper if I buy more). Knoll charged about $1000 per chair when new. So have you seen genuine Knolls (they're signed) on ebay? If so, approximately how much did they bring? (as I'd likely end up selling all but one). Thanks.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
10/07/2008 4:53 am  

Thats a great price, for any...
Thats a great price, for any well made chair. I've allways liked these chairs, no matter how common, copied and varied they have become, especially when they have arms.
The Southbank centre (how many cities have arts precincts called Southbank? A few I'm sure) in my capital city had a restaurant furnished with aout 150 of these, looked amazing, very low lighting in a brutalist building.
They chucked them all and replaced them with injection moulded plastic ones and trendy italian lighting in an attempt to be fashionable. It looks like some second rate wine bar now.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
10/07/2008 8:36 am  

I know, right? They're very...
I know, right? They're very tempting. We even had a few of these (non-Knolls, I'm sure) when I was growing up, so they'd have some value to me beyond just aesthetics. I'm going to get one -- I just don't really need multiples (unless I can sell them)...but buying more than one lowers the price. They do seem like a good deal.
That's an unfortunate story about the wine bar Cesca's. There's no accounting for taste, eh? Too bad you couldn't have picked a few up at that time.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2534
10/07/2008 9:27 am  

one day the restauraunt was b...
one day the restauraunt was beautiful the next time I went past it was an ikea cafe with expensive food.
I'm sure you'd make at least double on each chair if they are knoll, even just putting them in storage for a while, theyre certainly not going to become worth less than $70.00 each, is the cane in good nick?


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