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Braun KM Blender  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1397
13/08/2013 3:44 am  

As Solange showed of her nice Braun items, I went back to this blender I own.
I used it once, after I bought it at a garage sale and it just exploded. When I bought it, the container was full of gunk and it took quite a bit of work to get it back clean.
So the dissapointment when it instantly broke down made me put it away for a while.
Now I've opened the underside and see there is a sort of condensator, but a strange one: it's a double.
The condensator (a paper one inside) is blown.
I wonder if this blender can hold up in modern day kitchen life, can anyone testify?
I would love to get this back in working condition, as it is also a very bold design to put in the kitchen.
Thanks for looking!

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 5660
13/08/2013 3:46 am  

Photo of the problem part?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1397
13/08/2013 4:05 am  

here you go Leif
pic from a dutch site, aparently dedicated to Braun MK kitchen machines. I read there that it is possible to leave this condensator out.
It's this part that has trouble dealing with the higher 230volt (instead of the 220 where the machine is designed for), so that's why it just blew on mine..

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
13/08/2013 6:11 am  

Line filter
for suppressing electrical noise from the motor. Yours contains 3 capacitors, plus probably a choke and resistor. If you know an electrical engineer or appliance repairman (does that job still exist?), he'll be able to choose a good replacement from one of the numerous manufacturers (the link below. for instance, is to one company's interactive selector chart). A replacement shouldn't cost more than a few dollars.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1397
14/08/2013 1:57 pm  

I know very little of electronics, so I'll just take this chart to the local shop, together with the blown part..


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