Design Addict


Brainstorming on th...

Brainstorming on the future evolutions of Design Addict  

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James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
01/12/2006 12:50 am  

Image search
Is there any technology available to allow a purely visual image search. IE you provide an image or make a sketch and the system searches the web for links matching key features of your provided images.

Illustrious Member
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01/12/2006 5:05 pm  

It sounds like...
CSI Miami but why not? Is retina recognition in the airports not based on that type of recognition?
Furthermore...I am on the side of not dividing the forum in categories. I do not find it an inconvenience that some of the subjects are not in my field or scope of interest. Most of the time the messages are interesting even for those who might not have any particular interest in the subject or do not wish to participate in the discussion.

Noble Member
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01/12/2006 6:19 pm  

Dear DC Wilson, the idea of...
Dear DC Wilson, the idea of a drawing board is really brilliant, but technically difficult to implement. I'm afraid that we'll have to be satisfied with scans. Moreover, the professionals who have a graphic tablet can easily make a sketch with their favourite software and then insert it in their post.
Stephen and Gustavo, thank you very much for your kind words and your input.
The fast increase of the number of messages in the forum (about 25000 today) will probably force us to divide it into sub-sections. The rotation of the threads is so quick that some interesting subjects disappear from the home page of the forum before the discussion is really launched. Some popular subjects which often come up on the first page are not always the most interesting ("Barcelona chair", "don't buy from this shop"...). By creating specific categories, one could perhaps provoke different kind of discussions, on the manufacturing processes, for example, or in other fields of industrial design, because design is not only about chairs and lamps. Perhaps a good solution would consist in preserving a general section opened to very general subjects and some more specialized sub-sections (technical or theoretical) where great discussions would not disappear due to the permanent flow of new threads. Naturally, we will make sure that the forum preserves a maximum clarity and the best possible ergonomic.
Dear Koen, we understand that an excessive specialization through too many subcategories involves a risk of missing interesting subjects. This is how we would consider this possible division of the content on the opening page of the forum:
The idea of Gustavo to associate categories or tags to the messages is also interesting. We will think about it.
The adoption of new functionalities or sections on DA is always delicate because, afterwards, it is difficult to go back. When we work on the design of DA, we often wonder what would be the choices of Dieter Rams, Jonathan Ive or Koen if they were in our place; -) We rather have less functionalities than an impressive series of imperfect tools.
A question now. Sometimes, we have the impression that the search tool, which is available on each page of the forum, is not used enough. Why? It is not visible enough? Aren't the results satisfactory? Is it too slow?
James, the kind of technology that you evoke (visual image search) is only emerging. One of the first applications is visible on Nothing that can be integrated on DA today.
Thank you all!

Noble Member
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01/12/2006 7:36 pm  

i must admit the first time that i heard about categorising the topics i said to myself, don't do it! like koen i was afraid of missing topics that after all could have been interesting but on the other hand topics like 'don't buy designfurniture in this onlineshop' do not interest me at all. I have used, but rarely, the search tool; because i wasn't sure what kind of words could i type there (words out of a title? out of once message?) so if we could hang 'tags' on the titles maybe it would be easier to search (tru these tags)

ite (BE)
Famed Member
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Posts: 388
02/12/2006 3:11 am  

search function (1)
I must say, I am an Avid Search Function Fan (lets call it an ASFF). However, I confess, not always been. For some reason at first on the forum, I neglected this wonderful facility. The use only started when I started to feel a bit comfortable with the forum. Now I use it regularly: to check whether a question has already been asked, to check whether there is any feedback regarding an object I am considering buying, or simply to find a thread back that I vaguely remember, etc. I really liked & can relate to gustavos line of reasoning & remarks: why not make the content more searchable ? Over the years the forum has become a huge treasure room (can one say this in English ?) of a large number of accumulated thoughts, discussion, history & feedback of all sorts on design (and some other) matters. Indeed, the more knowledge put in/ the more difficult the getting something out again. That is the flipside of the coin of being a successful forum :o) How about enhancing the current search function (very good for ASFFs/ perhaps tempting some right now non ASFFS ?) e.g. I nicked (sorry borrowed, eeeh got inspired by) some following ideas from working with publication databases (student legacy). How about something like this, a combination of three or four search lines that one can configure at will:
First line
Dropdownlist (Pick Boolean operator AND/ OR/ NOT) & Free text (keyword) & Dropdownlist search in category (ALL/ DESIGN DISCUSSION/ PRODUCT DISCUSSION/ LISTS etc?)
Second line
Dropdownlist (Pick Boolean operator AND/ OR/ NOT) & Free text (keyword) & Dropdownlist search in category (ALL/ DESIGN DISCUSSION/ PRODUCT DISCUSSION/ LISTS etc?)
Third line
Dropdownlist (Pick Boolean operator AND/ OR/ NOT) & Free text (keyword) & Dropdownlist search in category (ALL/ DESIGN DISCUSSION/ PRODUCT DISCUSSION/ LISTS etc?)
+ Radiobutton: search whole words only/ text string

ite (BE)
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Posts: 388
02/12/2006 3:13 am  

search function (2)
Ill give an example to be more clear (real life): As the weather outside is getting a tiny bit more chilly, my bum feels a bit uncomfortable when I am sitting in my DSX chairs. I vaguely remembered that there has been a thread before, discussing this & mentioning an option of using covers for Eames shells. I wanted to refind/ reread this thread. But unfortunately, using Eames as a keyword seems to generate a lot of replies. Alternatively, I tried to combine two keywords (this can easily be done by clicking the search tab on top of the page: this gets you a fresh page filled with more elaborate search options): eames and cover. But as these horrible people on DA are discussing way to many things, so still no luck in greatly delimiting the number of hits. I did notice that a lot of these threads concerned recovering the Eames lounge though. So an option to eliminate by keyword all Lounge posts, would result in a diminished amount of posts to read through for me (v welcome in this case). Hence, on my most wanted listed for the search function would be: some more lines (perhaps 4) to be able to combine more search words, in order to delimit a search question (less hits to sort through). And also (if possible) the possibility to work with an additional Boolean operator NOT (to get out the stuff you do not wish to contaminate your present search). To get back to the previous paragraph, this search might look something like:
AND eames in ALL categories
NOT lounge in ALL categories
AND cover in ALL categories
+ search whole words only
Coincidently I think the idea of making everything more searchable perfectly captures the zeitgeist: see the rise & success of the emerging Google desktop search, Copernic desktop search, etc.
damn, there is so much more I would like to write, but it is now over 1AM, and I am falling asleep as I type. The rest will have to wait, it is bedtime for me.
(btw, I still have not located the thread, so I am currently still chilly bummed. All bum comfort increasing measures greatly welcome)

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 294
02/12/2006 2:01 pm  

- Forum:
We will make easier the posting of images in the forum and we will give you the possibility to edit your messages. We plan to divide the forum in sub-sections. Any suggestions for the organization of these sections? Do you have other ideas concerning the forum? We will be reading you with much interest!
I would hesitate to devide into too many categories.
The ability to add images, edit, and a robust search function. That's all that's needed.
Looking forward to it.

ite (BE)
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Posts: 388
02/12/2006 9:56 pm  

search function cont
mmm. reread post from last night. yes, an edit option would definitely be a lovely idea
what i additionally intended to write about the search function:
I like the possibility to search the whole DA (in a separate page with lots of choice in click options) AND the possibility to perform an easy search in the forum part alone without having to switch to a different page. However, i notice that the search in forum alone is what i use most. Perhaps it should not matter, but the few clicks & few page switches required really keep this an easy working & low threshold tool. So my question would be, would be possible to get some more search options for the search function on the forum page itself ?
And perhaps, but im still wondering about that myself, would it be useful to be able to search messages on poster ? I am undecided.
As i mentioned before, at first i did not really use the search function that much. I do not know whether this has more to do with visibility of the search function, or simply because i needed to get used to the forum basics first. (Perhaps some other people can write how it is/ was for them ?) When asked about search function visibility right NOW, i do like the fact that the search function is not very prominent, and main focus not directed away from the threads/ content.
Would i have used the search function sooner if it had been more visible ? Perhaps, but difficult question to answer. Perhaps tentatively yes ? Perhaps if you do not have the habit of using the search yet, the fact that this feature pops in your eye more will remind you more of this option ? However, this is pure speculation on my behalf.

ite (BE)
Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 388
02/12/2006 9:56 pm  

search function (4)
I know this thread is about changes, but can i also list something that i have always liked in order to nominate it as Sure To Be Preserved ? One of the things that i much appreciate is the attractive DA homepage: there is something about all these rotating pictures of objects and designers that is so attractive. It is also a great illustration of serendipity : you click to reach the site & do an unexpected find, or come across an object you never knew who designed it (and can find out by clicking on it). Please do not ever change this.
i also would like to elaborate on something Olive suggested. She suggested a possibility to be able to refer back to what has been written while you are replying. I think i would like this very much too. Perhaps this could be done by opening the new post section in another window when you click reply? This would preserve the thread for scrolling through & checking what has already been written, or rereading the question etc. However, i am not a professional webmaster, so i do not know very well how feasible all these suggestions are, i will stick to written daydreaming.
In short, my wish list would look something like: editing, pictures, great searching & a new window for new posts.
Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to you guys for making this all possible.
ps since it is that time a year again, perhaps I should rephrase the above as: thank you Santa(s), for granting & realising some our wild dreams on DA :oD

Noble Member
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Posts: 294
02/12/2006 11:34 pm  

You know you can use GOOGLE to search individual websites, just put "" after the search terms you want to use, and GOOGLE will search for your specific item only in the forum section of
Whatever built in search features are incorporated, they should simply include BOOLEAN SEARCH OPERATORS.
This search functionality will likely be perchased from prefabricated code, and therefore will lkely be included in any search capabilities you incorporate as they are pretty standard fair with any remotely modern search function (although not enough users are familiar with them).

James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
03/12/2006 12:21 am  

image and link
Can you put in an image with an HREF link? No fancy HTML, just A HREF , IMG SRC=, /A

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 294
03/12/2006 2:38 am  

I've seen you post images on other threads, James...?

James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
03/12/2006 3:34 am  

but can I make that image a link to some URL?
using the standard HTML

James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 547
03/12/2006 3:45 am  

as in
which if typed out in text in HTML will display the image file "someimage.jpg" and clicking on it will link to the URL
If I actually type this in a message currently nothing shows up at all.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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03/12/2006 4:28 am  

This is working for me on this site:

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